Public repository of the Cosmic Linear Anisotropy Solving System (master for the most recent version of the standard code; GW_CLASS to include Cosmic Gravitational Wave Background anisotropies; classnet branch for acceleration with neutral networks; ExoCLASS branch for exotic energy injection; class_matter branch for FFTlog)
Hi all,
I have been trying to run the class code in order to derive the transfer functions of sterile neutrinos. I am using the pk_ref.pre file and the following ncdm parameters:
omega_cdm = 10**(-10)
ncdm_psd_filenames = psd_FD_single.dat (as an initial test, even though I want to change it afterwards)
N_ncdm = 1
m_ncdm = 7100
Omega_ncdm = 0.12038
Tncdm undefined
Even with the psd_FD_single.dat file I get the following error:
Error running input_init_from_arguments
=>input_init_from_arguments(L:179) :error in input_init(&fc, ppr, pba, pth, ppt, ptr, ppm, psp, pnl, ple, pop, errmsg);
=>input_init(L:442) :error in input_read_parameters(pfc, ppr, pba, pth, ppt, ptr, ppm, psp, pnl, ple, pop, errmsg);
=>input_read_parameters(L:895) :error in background_ncdm_init(ppr,pba);
=>background_ncdm_init(L:1280) :error in get_qsampling(pba->q_ncdm[k], pba->w_ncdm[k], &(pba->q_size_ncdm[k]), 250, ppr->tol_ncdm, pbadist.q, pbadist.tablesize, background_ncdm_test_function, background_ncdm_distribution, &pbadist, pba->error_message);
=>get_qsampling(L:334) :error; get_qsampling fails to obtain a relative tolerance of 1e-19 as required using atmost 250 points. If the PSD is interpolated from a file, try increasing the resolution and the q-interval (qmin;qmax) if possible, or decrease tol_ncdm/tol_ncdm_bg. As a last resort, increase _QUADRATUREMAX/_QUADRATURE_MAXBG.
I have tried following the instructions and increasing _QUADRATUREMAX/_QUADRATURE_MAXBG or decreasing tol_ncdm/tol_ncdm_bg (even to an unreasonable extent) but the code either gives the same error, or crashes while reading the input parameters. I would have expected things to go wrong after I implement my own PSD function, but I cannot see why this would be happening with the default input as well...
Any help would be greately appreciated! Thank you very much!
Hi all, I have been trying to run the class code in order to derive the transfer functions of sterile neutrinos. I am using the pk_ref.pre file and the following ncdm parameters:
omega_cdm = 10**(-10) ncdm_psd_filenames = psd_FD_single.dat (as an initial test, even though I want to change it afterwards) N_ncdm = 1 m_ncdm = 7100 Omega_ncdm = 0.12038 Tncdm undefined
Even with the psd_FD_single.dat file I get the following error:
Error running input_init_from_arguments =>input_init_from_arguments(L:179) :error in input_init(&fc, ppr, pba, pth, ppt, ptr, ppm, psp, pnl, ple, pop, errmsg); =>input_init(L:442) :error in input_read_parameters(pfc, ppr, pba, pth, ppt, ptr, ppm, psp, pnl, ple, pop, errmsg); =>input_read_parameters(L:895) :error in background_ncdm_init(ppr,pba); =>background_ncdm_init(L:1280) :error in get_qsampling(pba->q_ncdm[k], pba->w_ncdm[k], &(pba->q_size_ncdm[k]), 250, ppr->tol_ncdm, pbadist.q, pbadist.tablesize, background_ncdm_test_function, background_ncdm_distribution, &pbadist, pba->error_message); =>get_qsampling(L:334) :error; get_qsampling fails to obtain a relative tolerance of 1e-19 as required using atmost 250 points. If the PSD is interpolated from a file, try increasing the resolution and the q-interval (qmin;qmax) if possible, or decrease tol_ncdm/tol_ncdm_bg. As a last resort, increase _QUADRATUREMAX/_QUADRATURE_MAXBG.
I have tried following the instructions and increasing _QUADRATUREMAX/_QUADRATURE_MAXBG or decreasing tol_ncdm/tol_ncdm_bg (even to an unreasonable extent) but the code either gives the same error, or crashes while reading the input parameters. I would have expected things to go wrong after I implement my own PSD function, but I cannot see why this would be happening with the default input as well...
Any help would be greately appreciated! Thank you very much!