lesgourg / class_public

Public repository of the Cosmic Linear Anisotropy Solving System (master for the most recent version of the standard code; GW_CLASS to include Cosmic Gravitational Wave Background anisotropies; classnet branch for acceleration with neutral networks; ExoCLASS branch for exotic energy injection; class_matter branch for FFTlog)
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> 1% difference between class v2.9.4 and class v3.2.0 for lensing result at l>3000? Loss of accuracy? #494

Closed borisbolliet closed 1 year ago

borisbolliet commented 1 year ago


I was upgrading class version for some data analysis that requires high accuracy at high ell.

I find significant differences for lensed TT, TE and EE spectra and for lensing potential power spectrum, when I run both versions in the exact same settings.

The settings are:

common_settings = {# LambdaCDM parameters
                   'omega_cdm': 0.1201075,
                   'tau_reio': 0.05430842,
                   'n_s': 0.9619} 

M = Class()

       'non linear': 'hmcode',
       'eta_0' :  0.603,
       'c_min' : 3.13,
       'N_ur' : 3.046,

       'accurate_lensing': 1, #necessary to get accurate high ell lensed

       'k_max_tau0_over_l_max':15., #necessary to get accurate high ell lensed
       'perturbations_sampling_stepsize' : 0.05, #necessary to get accurate high ell lensed


Note that perturbations_sampling_stepsize is called perturb_sampling_stepsize in v2.9.

See plots attached. [PP: cl^phi-phi]

Class v2.9 matches CAMB better (at the 0.5% level down to l=9000 in those settings for all spectra, see #386 for comparison between CAMB and class v2.9.4 on cl^phi-phi). Hence it seems that Class v3 is less accurate in those settings.

Am I missing something?

If correct, what are the settings I need to set to class v3 to recover class v2.9 or CAMB results at better than 1% accuracy?

Thanks a lot! Boris

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lesgourg commented 1 year ago

Thank you @borisbolliet , this is really useful, we will try to find some time to investigate this asap!

borisbolliet commented 1 year ago

One difference between class v2.9.4 and v3 is that the recombination treatment is done by recfast in v2.9 and hyrec in v3. This certainly explains the difference for the red curve (thanks Yacine Ali-Haimoud and @jcolinhill for noting that). I will check. However this can't be the reason why the lensing power spectrum, or the lensing of the cmb, is so different.

schoeneberg commented 1 year ago

Dear all, dear @borisbolliet ,

I was recently made aware of this issue, and I started investigating (given that I spearheaded a lot of the transition from 2.9.4 to 3.0.0 I think that it's only fair I look into issues like this). First, I want to report that this has little to do with the actual parts of the code I touched for the transition (or recombination, or any background, thermodynamics, or perturbation quantity). Indeed, if you set 'nonlinear':'none' and 'recombination':'recfast' (as per Yacine and @jcolinhill ), you will find that the difference is now vanishingly small. This leads me to conclude that the issue is in the way that halofit is used between 2.9.4 and the current v3. In particular, from reading through the relevant git diff, it seems like halofit itself didn't have any major change in this period. This can be confirmed by looking at the small difference in the nonlinear P(k) at the permille level (see figure below) image As such, I will need some more time to dig deep into the nl_corr_density term that CLASS uses in order to track down this bug. Thanks for letting us know!

schoeneberg commented 1 year ago

Dear @borisbolliet (dear @lesgourg ),

I finally tracked down the "bug", except that it isn't really a but, but rather an issue of not increasing the precision high enough (at least that is my conclusion for now). When I adjust the parameter P_k_max_1/Mpc to 600, I get the following comparison image Since that difference is sub-permille, I would claim excellent agreement between class v2.9.4 and class v3.

It appears the difference in your case was caused by the Halofit correction being computed or not computed at corresponding high redshift. Note that to compute accurately the lensed spectra for such high L, we are deep in the non-linear regime, even at relatively early times where the CMB lensing kernel is relevant. As such, it is very important to have good computations from e.g. halofit at high redshift and high k, but with the default k_max this isn't possible. I think the idea was to increase k_max by increasing k_max_tau0_over_l_max, but this is the k_max with a very high k-sampling which is even linear, so it's not quite the correct parameter for getting accurate non-linear predictions. For that, one should raise instead P_k_max_1/Mpc to some reasonably high value (e.g. 500 or 1000 or higher), in order to have well converged integrals for the nonlinear correction. Otherwise, the nonlinear correction will only be computed at relatively low redshift, and the precise redshift up until which it is computed differs from v2.9.4 to v3, leading to corresponding differences in the C_L^PP and the lensed CL at very high L.

Since halofit was not designed to accurately predict the high-redshift high-wavenumber regime, I would additionally like to include a great word of caution against using these results with too much certainty: In this regime the answer is probably not well determined, both from lack of calibration of halofit to simulations with super high k and high z, but also from non-inclusion of other physical effects (e.g. baryonic effects), which would probably dominate in any case.

In conclusion, Thank you for reporting this issue. The fix is to raise "P_k_max_1/Mpc" to some high level (~500) at which non-linear corrections can accurately be computed. I also caution it's dangerous to use halofit in this regime.

Let me know if there's anything else.

jcolinhill commented 1 year ago

Hi @schoeneberg , thanks for the investigation! Indeed this is a topic that Fiona, Mat, and I wrote a paper about: https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.05582

I suppose the puzzle is primarily why the default behavior changed so much from v2.9 to v3.

Also, for the analysis of current ACT and SPT data, such settings already have an impact (cf. Appendix A of https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.04451 ). Perhaps it would be good to increase the numerical convergence in the next release?

(I agree the question of the overall accuracy of halofit, etc is a separate issue.)

Thanks, Colin

schoeneberg commented 1 year ago

Dear @jcolinhill , thanks for weighing in! Let me answer a few points you raised:

I am not sure what the best treatment here is (and the decision in the end is up to @lesgourg ). Probably it would be nice to accelerate the code in the large-k regime somehow, or to at least dynamically detect when more precision is required.

For now, there is a working hotfix :wink:

borisbolliet commented 1 year ago

Ah I am just seeing this ! Excellent, thank you so much @schoeneberg for taking time and finding the solution :) Closing the issue now :)