leshill / handlebars_assets

Use handlebars.js templates with the Rails asset pipeline.
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Handlebars in attribute broken in Rails by CVE-2016-6316 fix #157

Open dvandersluis opened 7 years ago

dvandersluis commented 7 years ago

I'm curious if anyone else has run into this problem. I updated Rails to, and suddenly started getting parse errors from ExecJS due to "s appearing in handlebars templates (I'm using hamlbars but I'm not sure if it matters here). After a couple days of frustration, I finally traced it to this change made in actionview to fix CVE-2016-6316. It was made in the 4.x and 5.x branches too, so my guess is that this actually affects all versions of rails > 3.

The problem manifests when a handlebars element is used as an attribute of an element created via tag or content_tag. For instance:

= content_tag :div, title: hb('t', key: 'general.title')

Before the Rails fix, this would create the following:

<div title="{{t key="general.title"}}"></div>

After the fix it creates:

<div title="{{t key=&quot;general.title&quot;}}"></div>

which then obviously doesn't parse properly, and ExecJS crashes on unexpected syntax.

In order to fix this, I monkey patched ActionView::Helpers::TagHelpers#tag_options to unescape the quote if it's between {{...}} or {{{...}}}:

module ActionView
  module Helpers
    module TagHelper
      module HandlebarsFix
        # When handlebars is passed into a button tag, ensure quotes aren't escaped within
        # This is needed because tag_options converts quotes to &quot entities, and then
        # when handlebars is compiled, parsing crashes.
        def tag_options(*)
          opts = super
          return unless opts

          opts.gsub(/\{{2,3}.*?(&quot;).*?\}{2,3}/) { |s| s.gsub('&quot;', '"') }.html_safe

ActionView::Base.prepend ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper::HandlebarsFix
Haml::Helpers.prepend ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper::HandlebarsFix

I was wondering, though, if there's a way to fix this directly within handlebars_assets? My fix works for me, but I can see that there can be edgecases that might be eliminated if fixed directly at the source. I'm not exactly sure how parsing works in this gem, but maybe when a tag is found &quot;s can be converted back to actual quotes?

AlexRiedler commented 7 years ago

I am really sorry I missed this when it happened; I don't regularly check the repo since it has been stable for quite some time.

I can't think of a way around it at this time without potentially causing an exploit. If it changed back the quot; then it might be exploitable. From here we don't actually have the attributes or parsing... hmmm I wonder how you can deem that string actually safe then... (maybe options to HAML or SLIM ???)