leshill / resque_spec

RSpec matcher for Resque
MIT License
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Resque::NoQueueError: Jobs must be placed onto a queue. #123

Open lawhorkl opened 8 years ago

lawhorkl commented 8 years ago

Getting this error while trying to run specs using resque_spec. The error is pretty clear what is going on, however from what I understand, the queue is defined in the job that's specified in enqueue. I have a queue defined in the job, but for some reason it isn't detecting it?

Fairly new to resque in general so it could possibly be something I'm doing wrong, however, here is my simple job and the method I'm trying to test, hopefully there's something I can do:


class MakeChange
    def self.queue

    def self.perform(change_id)
        puts 'job started'
        puts 'change is made to ' + change_id.to_s if NotificationManager::Manager.notify(change_id)
        puts 'job finished'


module NotificationManager
    class Manager
        def self.notification(owner, change_type, context, target)
            change_id = Notification.new_notification(owner, change_type, context, target)
            Resque.enqueue(MakeChange, change_id)
            # Resque.enqueue_in(
            #   30.seconds,
            #   MakeChange,
            #   change_id
            #   )
                        notification = Notification.find(change_id)

        # run populate_test_data from console
        def self.notify(change_id)
            puts 'the notify method was called'
            unless NotificationManager::Notification.find(change_id).cancelled?
                change = Notification.find(change_id)
                similar_changes = group_similar_changes(change.owner, change.target, change.change_type)
                puts 'group_similar_changes finished. size: ' + similar_changes.length.to_s
                mailer = NotificationManager::NotificationMailer
                if mailer.send_email(mailer.construct_email(similar_changes))
                    puts 'the email sent'


require 'spec_helper'

module NotificationManager
    describe Manager do
        describe '#notify' do
            before do
            let(:notification) { NotificationManager::Manager.notification('kyle', 'removed_as_delegate', 'work_id1', 'testemail@gmail.com') }
            it 'adds notification.notify to the notification queue' do
                expect(Manager).to have_queued(notification.id, :notify)

Thanks for the gem, by the way, it it exactly what I needed, only I hope I can get it working :D

lawhorkl commented 8 years ago

update: I'm using rspec-rails as I'm working with a Rails application. I read through the readme once more and saw that support for rspec < 3.0 was iffy, so I ran bundle update rspec-rails rspec-core which put me on the latest releases for both, but to no avail.

I just noticed that the readme makes no mention of actual Rails. I'm hoping this Gem can be used with Rails?

leshill commented 8 years ago

Hi @lawhorkl,

Sorry to be late in replying. Yes, the gem will work with Rails.

In the snippets, the use of the have_queued matcher is possibly incorrect. The spec is checking the Manager class while the queue is on the MakeChange class. Does that help?