lesintegristes / lesintegristes-theme

The WordPress Theme that we use for our blog
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English version #20

Open ericlebihan opened 12 years ago

ericlebihan commented 12 years ago

What about having an english version of "les intégristes" now that we have a master of english in the team ?

kaneel commented 12 years ago

Hmmmm, les integristes apart? :D

ericlebihan commented 12 years ago

We have a marque de fabrique, so it would stay called "les intégristes". Shouldn't we give a try ?

kaneel commented 12 years ago

Could try.

bpierre commented 11 years ago

About the identity

I think it’s better to keep the name “Les intégristes” instead of a creating a new one, but we should keep in mind that it would be really obscure for non french-speaking persons:


Another solution would be to change the name only, keeping the whole graphic identity, but the english name would be obviously very different from the french one. Maybe “lesintegristes.net” or “lesintegristes” (instead of “Les intégristes”) would be a good solution for the english version?

About the proposal

Do you mean:

And some questions:

PS: sorry if my comment sounds negative, I would love to have an english version, I’m just trying to anticipate as much as possible ! :-)

ericlebihan commented 11 years ago

It makes me think of the adaptation of "The Incredible" into "Les Indestructibles" but French Canadians have translated it literally to "les incroyables"

I think that the name "Les integristes" has no longer the meaning it had for us in 2008 but that's our name and we have to keep it.

For the question of the content it has to be discussed, some of our articles are very "franco-french" and some would have to be adaptated.