less / less.js

Less. The dynamic stylesheet language.
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less with @import on main thread - Chrome > 101 #3727

Open Karthiga218 opened 2 years ago

Karthiga218 commented 2 years ago

To reproduce:

<style  type="text/less"> 
 @import "test.less";
<script src="less.js"></script>

console.log("script resumed at main page");

// less code here test.css

body {
 background-color: red;

Current behavior:

Chrome version > 101 - after less imports the test.less - the control never comes back to main page to continue the processing Chrome version < 101 - Everything works well

Environment information:

Tested with all versions of less to same result.

lumburr commented 2 years ago

You make wrong script tag. 屏幕截图 2022-05-26 200437 You make this. <script> console.log("script resumed at main page"); </script>

Cybso commented 2 years ago

I have the same issue: @import within