less / less.js

Less. The dynamic stylesheet language.
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Nested Pseudo-classes selector list report error "Missing closing ')'" #3802

Open FlareZh opened 1 year ago

FlareZh commented 1 year ago


iampaandey commented 1 year ago

Can you please assign this issue to me?

FlareZh commented 1 year ago

Can you please assign this issue to me?

Of course. But it looks like I don't have that permission.

iampaandey commented 1 year ago

Can i still complete this issue.

ivan-sapeha commented 1 year ago

Facing with the same issue. https://lesscss.org/less-preview/#eyJjb2RlIjoiLmNsYXNzIHtcbiAgJjpoYXMoOmlzKHRleHRhcmVhLHNlbGVjdCxpbnB1dDpub3QoOmlzKFt0eXBlPVwiYnV0dG9uXCJdLFt0eXBlPVwiY2hlY2tib3hcIl0sW3R5cGU9XCJmaWxlXCJdLFt0eXBlPVwicmFkaW9cIl0sW3R5cGU9XCJyYW5nZVwiXSxbdHlwZT1cInN1Ym1pdFwiXSkpKSl7XG4gIGRpc3BsYXk6IGJsb2NrO1xufX0iLCJhY3RpdmVWZXJzaW9uIjoiNC4xLjMifQ==

iampaandey commented 1 year ago

@iChenLei can you please exactly tell the line in less.js file from where you take the code from playground ?

vimal20002 commented 1 year ago

@iChenLei can I also work on that me and @iampaandey are peer programmer please assign it to me also ! ;)

iampaandey commented 1 year ago

Can you also please elaborate little bit @matthew-dean ?

matthew-dean commented 1 year ago

@iampaandey I think the issue is here. It looks like the parser is a little naive, in that it allows any parenthetical (I think) after a selector, but then, within that parenthetical, it only accepts a single selector (this.selector vs this.selectors)