less / more

less on rails — the official LESS plugin for Ruby on Rails
MIT License
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Should be a Gem plugin #17

Closed dasch closed 14 years ago

dasch commented 14 years ago

It would be easier to install the More plugin if it was available as a Rails Gem plugin. I've begun working toward this goal, but unfortunately I can't seem to get GitHub's Gem hosting to publish it.

Would you guys mind if I pushed it to Gemcutter?

dasch commented 14 years ago

My repo is at http://github.com/dasch/more

augustl commented 14 years ago

I'm not that into gem plugins. Do you need to have both an init.rb and rails/init.rb, or can you leave out the regular init.rb?

dasch commented 14 years ago

The normal init.rb should require File.join(__FILE__) + "/rails/init", where all the initialization code should be.

augustl commented 14 years ago

Merged. Will publish to gemcutter soon. Thanks!

augustl commented 14 years ago

Someone has already published the gem to gemcutter, so I am unable to do so. I'll try to figure out who did it so that the project maintainers are the ones controlling the gem.

KieranP commented 14 years ago

augustl, I talked with qrush (maintainer of gemcutter) about that issue (someone else uploading it). Contact him and get his to transfer ownership (apparently the only way :-( ). You need to give evidence you're the proper maintainer.

dasch commented 14 years ago

That was me, did it a week or so ago :-/ I'll send them an email later tonight.

dasch commented 14 years ago

augustl, what's your Gemcutter username?

augustl commented 14 years ago

I don't think I have any username. There's only my e-mail address, which is augustlilleaas@gmail.com.

dasch commented 14 years ago

Okay, I've sent him a mail. Hopefully he'll transfer it soon -- otherwise I can push any updates you wish to publish.

dasch commented 14 years ago

I've transferred ownership to you through gem owner, which I didn't know existed before now :-)

You should be able to manage the gem now.

augustl commented 14 years ago

Cool! I'll tag 1.0 soon-ish and release.

augustl commented 14 years ago

Soon-ish is a relative term. Tagging and pushing as gem now.

themactep commented 14 years ago

Is it me, or more-0.1.0.gem is really missing lib/more.rb?