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less on rails — the official LESS plugin for Ruby on Rails
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plugin causing boot error on heroku since january 21st 2010 #21

Closed doesterr closed 14 years ago

doesterr commented 14 years ago

for everyone having issues with this plugin on heroku since yesterday, a solution can be found here: http://amielmartin.tumblr.com/post/347068263/heroku-with-lesscss-more-plugin


cloudhead commented 14 years ago

Thanks for this, saved me some headache!

cloudhead commented 14 years ago

Now I have to wonder, should we just be using RACK_ENV instead?

augustl commented 14 years ago

Can we use RACK_ENV to know wether or not we're on Heroku?

doesterr commented 14 years ago

i don't really know about this stuff, i was just so happy that i found this blogpost that i needed to share it, imho adding "heroku config:add HEROKU_ENV=production" to the readme should be sufficient

augustl commented 14 years ago

I'm looking into another way of detecting Heroku. We would prefer if you didn't have to worry wether you deploy to ISS on windows using mongrel, or on Amazon S3 using passenger, or on Heroku.

augustl commented 14 years ago

HEROKUENV is no longer a good test for checking if we're on heroku. Now checking for any env variable starting with HEROKU. Closed by 23fddefc5172d8287d11eb7fea77bda66c54e17f