lessthanoptimal / BoofCV

Fast computer vision library for SFM, calibration, fiducials, tracking, image processing, and more.
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Smoothing and sharpening #181

Open olegvakulenko opened 3 years ago

olegvakulenko commented 3 years ago


Is it possible to implement algorithm where simultaneously applied smoothing and sharpening, like described here: https://content.sciendo.com/view/journals/amns/2/1/article-p299.xml?language=en


lessthanoptimal commented 3 years ago

It's definitely possible just not very high on the list at the moment. Looks like it has a similar goal to the image denoising approaches. Maybe once multi view stereo is working on sets of 100 images I'll look for an easier project to do. Others reading this are welcomed to give it a shot too!

lessthanoptimal commented 1 year ago

Current SNAPSHOT has a "Adaptive mean filter" that dynamically adjusts the blur magnitude based on edge intensity.