lesterchan / wp-polls

Adds an AJAX poll system to your WordPress blog. You can also easily add a poll into your WordPress's blog post/page.
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Question: dynamic poll #153

Open Paulsky opened 1 year ago

Paulsky commented 1 year ago

I would like to display a poll for each of my posts. Example poll would look like something like this:

What rating would you give POST TITLE?

My question is: (how) can I create one poll and use it for multiple posts?

If this is not possible, how can I create a poll dynamically? Something like; 'if no poll for this post exist, create one, save the id in the post meta'.

Thank you in advance!

Paulsky commented 1 year ago

After some research, I believe there is no relation between a poll and a post. So I don't think this is possible. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

So, I created a script which will check if there is a poll id attached to the post. If not, it will check if there is a poll with the same title. If not, it will create a poll and attach it to the post meta. Please see this template script, maybe it could help someone:

function get_or_create_wp_poll_id_for_post($postId)
    $pollId = a_function_to_get_post_meta('poll_id', $postId);

    if (empty($pollId)) {
        global $wpdb;

        $title = get_the_title($postId);
        $pollTitle = What rating would you give ' . $title . '?';

        $pollId = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT pollq_id FROM " . $wpdb->pollsq . " WHERE pollq_question = '" . $pollTitle . "' LIMIT 1");
        if (!$pollId) {
            $newQuestion = $wpdb->insert(
                    'pollq_question'    => $pollTitle,
                    'pollq_timestamp'   => current_time('timestamp'),
                    'pollq_totalvotes'  => 0,
                    'pollq_active'      => 1,
                    'pollq_expiry'      => 0,
                    'pollq_multiple'    => 0,
                    'pollq_totalvoters' => 0
            if ($newQuestion) {
                $pollId = (int)$wpdb->insert_id;

                a_function_to_set_post_meta($id, 'poll_id', $pollId);

                $answers = ['Not interesting', 'Interesting', 'Very interesting'];
                foreach ($answers as $answer) {
                            'polla_qid'     => $pollId,
                            'polla_answers' => $answer,
                            'polla_votes'   => 0

    return $pollId;