lesterchan / wp-polls

Adds an AJAX poll system to your WordPress blog. You can also easily add a poll into your WordPress's blog post/page.
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How use translation files #66

Closed fredroo closed 8 years ago

fredroo commented 8 years ago

Hello, i try use files

wp-polls-pt_BR.mo wp-polls-pt_BR.po

avaliable in: https://plugins.trac.wordpress.org/browser/wp-polls/i18n/

try in folders: root: \wp-content\plugins\wp-polls languages folder \wp-content\plugins\wp-polls\languages\ i18n folder \wp-content\plugins\wp-polls\i18n

how use this files to translate to pt-BR?

lesterchan commented 8 years ago

WordPress no longer uses translation files. You might want to read up https://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/ or https://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/handbook/tools/glotpress-translate-wordpress-org/

For pt_BR it is only 5% translated https://translate.wordpress.org/locale/pt-br/default/wp-plugins/wp-polls. It needs to be 100% translated before it is available.

I can add you as a translator editor for pt_BR for WP-Polls if you want.

fredroo commented 8 years ago

@lesterchan look here https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/wp-polls/stable/pt-br/default?filters[status]=untranslated&sort[by]=priority&sort[how]=desc

pt-BR 100% translated

lesterchan commented 8 years ago

https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/wp-polls/stable It still says 66% because the rest are waiting for approval and that is outside my control.

espellcaste commented 8 years ago

@lesterchan Just curious, who controls it?

lesterchan commented 8 years ago

The global translation editor of WP Polygot.

espellcaste commented 8 years ago

Thanks! =)

fredroo commented 8 years ago

@lesterchan please contact global translation editor WP Polygot

is possible?

pt-BR 100%

ask him for me

rafaelcamaradev commented 7 years ago

Hi, LesterChan!

Thanks for the wonderful plugin! This issue is still pedding for aproval? With theses files (wp-polls-pt_BR.mo and wp-polls-pt_BR.po) can i do something to translate the plugin files to Pt-BR? How can i do that?

Thanks again!


rafaelcamaradev commented 7 years ago

I got it, Lester! I discover that you just put these files into "../wp-content/languages/plugins" in your WordPress site. ;)

quedicesebas commented 7 years ago

Please help, I can't make he plugin work on spanish language. I tried putting the .po and .mo files in ../wp-content/languages/plugins folder, nothing happens

makerobot commented 6 years ago


I cannot translate the plugin. Tried to put the .po/.mo files different folders, tried to translate it wit loco-translate - no help