lestervanderpluijm / IS-master-thesis-template

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Task description #1

Open RicoFio opened 1 year ago

RicoFio commented 1 year ago

Basic OKRs

Suggestions for the EDA from @RicoFio

It might be worth a shot to not force the LateX template on the students for the EDA but rather have them submit a PDF version of a jupyter notebook. This would invite them to keep text to a minimum and focus on the actual exploration of the data. It's clear, in my opinion, that if you ask them to submit a thesis-styled document, that they will focus more on the text and the explanation rather than working on the data itself.

Further requests

Preferred workflow

Many students prefer overleaf for their thesis. Hence, we need to facilitate that they stick to these guidelines to keep them organized:

  1. Put the URL to your overleaf project in the title of your github README.MD.
  2. Organize your overleaf project well, as follows:
    1. Create directories for
      1. images
      2. preamble and style files
      3. sections
        • For each section you create a seperate file which you include in main.tex at the top level.
        • Use the subfiles package, which simplifies the workflow
      4. bib stuff
  3. Top level contains main.tex and the folders, and I guess that is it.
RicoFio commented 1 year ago

@lestervanderpluijm whta do you think of my suggestion for the EDA above?

lestervanderpluijm commented 1 year ago

@RicoFio I agree. It was never the intention to let students write a lot of text on the EDA. The idea is that you explore the data, get to categorize the type of data you have and possibly reflect on the implications of the distributions (assumptions, etc.).

RicoFio commented 1 year ago

@lestervanderpluijm I have just pushed most of the requests here on main and we'll go over the details during our meeting on Monday (15.08.2022). However, I wanted to ask you what you meant with the following:

Give an example of how to make sheets of your thesis for a presentation.

If you could clarify that today, I can work it in before our meeting :)

lestervanderpluijm commented 1 year ago

@RicoFio You can skip idea concerning the sheets template. It will only remove focus from the key templates.

RicoFio commented 1 year ago

@lestervanderpluijm cool! We can see what we would like to do for that and possible examples during the meeting then.

If you want to have a peak, I put the pre-compiled files here: latex_template/compiled-templates. Maybe you can have a look and we can discuss possible changes during the meeting.