lestervanderpluijm / IS-master-thesis-template

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Closing GitHub and finishing template #3

Open lestervanderpluijm opened 1 year ago

lestervanderpluijm commented 1 year ago

Hi @RicoFio

I just noticed that Maarten put the link to your Overleaf already in his supervision document: https://www.overleaf.com/project/6304935ae6dd5d13d30166e0

However, I made already some changes to this (and you as well): https://www.overleaf.com/project/630e233dc38e7a518423960e. I also sent you the zip-file earlier. You will have taken care to create some space for supervisor on the thesis design, to include the ID and to correc the name of the Information Systems track.

Could you make sure that your last changes are integrated with my last version? Then, I would say that you put the final-final version on the link that Maarten puts in his document (and make this public). You can then make it also public in the library of Overleaf.

There is also one change that I would like to include for the final-final version for the Methodology section of the thesis.

% For IS students, it is not always needed to have a seperate methodology section. You can also integrate the approach with the results in one section. It depends on your type of reseach what is best fitting.

Hopefully, it is clear how to proceed. I am sorry for the amount of emails from my side. That is why I now do the GitHub-post. I would want to come to the final version (including all changes) in the link of Maarten. The urgency is there, because Maarten is already usen the old template, while he should be using the new version.