lesunb / HMRSsim

Simulator for research in Heterogeneous Multi-Robots Environment. The intention is to provide extensible, lightweight, portable, low fidelity, visualizable simulations for testing task allocation approaches in a heterogeneous, multi-robot environment. The priority is to provide the researcher with the capability to easily implement new maps by importing 2D draws from draw.io.
GNU General Public License v3.0
12 stars 7 forks source link

Colors not rendering correctly on Ellipse objects #1

Closed Gguidini closed 3 years ago

Gguidini commented 3 years ago

Ellipse primitives are displaying the wrong color. Only affects Ellipses, Rectangles are OK. Notice screenshots below.

It's probably something to do with add_to_batch() function forEllipses.

Screenshot of circles.drawio map on Pyglet window image

Screenshot of circles.drawio on Draw.io image

Gguidini commented 3 years ago

We're not using this rendering method anymore