let-def / texpresso

TeXpresso: live rendering and error reporting for LaTeX
MIT License
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Cannot locate package libmujs-dev, cannot run test #67

Open GiovanniMottola opened 4 weeks ago

GiovanniMottola commented 4 weeks ago

I am on Ubuntu 20.04, which is one of the tested environments. When running the command to install all dependencies, I get the following:

Note, selecting 'libfontconfig1-dev' instead of 'libfontconfig-dev'
E: Unable to locate package libmujs-dev

I tried to proceed with the installation, to see whether the package was in fact needed. The build succeeded. However, when running the test, I get the following error:

SDL could not initialize wayland driver! SDL_Error: wayland not available
Falling back to default driver
texpresso logo: 512x512
[info] tectonic path: texpresso-tonic
[dvi] loading pdftex.map
bundle_serve_hooks_cat: cannot read answer
[dvi] loading kanjix.map

A window appears for a few instants, then closes; no PDF is generated.

let-def commented 4 weeks ago

Can you share the rest of the output from the test command? It is likely that tectonic has to initialize itself first if you have never used it before.

You can run ./build/texpresso-tonic -X compile test/simple.tex first to check that the TeX distribution is working as expected, and if this works, try again texpresso.

GiovanniMottola commented 3 weeks ago

My bad, sorry: I missed the part about building Tectonic. Now apparently it works. Still, I am a bit puzzled about libmujs-dev: is it actually needed or not? I don't have it in my sistem, yet Texpresso seems to work (albeit with some crashes)...

Thanks for the very quick feedback!

let-def commented 3 weeks ago

TeXpresso uses mupdf, and libmujs is an optional dependency of mupdf: certain distributions do not provide it, some provide it in the same package, other provide it as two separate packages. The installation instructions were tested on a few systems but are likely a bit incorrect for Ubuntu 20.04: as long as you have mupdf, it should work.

I plan to update the instructions and the build script when I have more time.

let-def commented 3 weeks ago

What are the crashes? If possible, try to share a copy of the standard error output when that happens.