letheanVPN / lthn-app-vpn

Client/Server dVPN
European Union Public License 1.2
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Creating raspberry pi docker image #60

Open ronnylov opened 5 years ago

ronnylov commented 5 years ago


I am looking into running an exit node on Raspberry Pi 3B+ hardware which is ARM. Have found some things that I think needs to be adjusted in a dockerfile for raspberry Pi. I can add more comments later if I found more things.

Looking at following file: https://github.com/LetheanMovement/lethean-vpn/blob/master/Dockerfile

https://github.com/LetheanMovement/lethean-vpn/blob/master/Dockerfile#L1 this line can be changed to FROM arm32v7/python:3.7.2-stretch

https://github.com/LetheanMovement/lethean-vpn/blob/master/Dockerfile#L8 This points to Linux amd64 build for cli wallet. For raspberry Pi it should point to an ARM build, but there is no such release yet. It can be compiled and hosted somewhere but it would be nice to have an official release to download.

https://github.com/LetheanMovement/lethean-vpn/blob/master/Dockerfile#L81 See comment below regarding raspbian zabbix repo: https://github.com/LetheanMovement/lethean-vpn/issues/60#issuecomment-460952917

That's all I have found so far. Need to buy a Raspberry Pi to test this :-)

ronnylov commented 5 years ago

Found that zabbix is available on raspberry pi also. https://www.zabbix.com/documentation/4.0/manual/installation/install_from_packages/debian_ubuntu

wget https://repo.zabbix.com/zabbix/4.0/raspbian/pool/main/z/zabbix-release/zabbix-release_4.0-2+stretch_all.deb dpkg -i zabbix-release_4.0-2+stretch_all.deb apt update

limosek commented 5 years ago

This should be easily solved by debianisation. We can cross-compile debian packages for rpi