letmaik / rawpy

📷 RAW image processing for Python, a wrapper for libraw
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Camera raw metadata open fail : Unsupported file format or not RAW file #57

Closed butterl closed 5 years ago

butterl commented 6 years ago


I've got some raw data dumped from camera(no header ,just raw meta data),10bit 4160x3120 gbgr. I updated to the latest release version of rawpy, and rawpy always open fail

  File "evalution.py", line 44, in main
    with rawpy.imread(rawfile) as raw:
  File "/home/butter/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rawpy/__init__.py", line 20, in imread
  File "rawpy/_rawpy.pyx", line 266, in rawpy._rawpy.RawPy.open_file
  File "rawpy/_rawpy.pyx", line 662, in rawpy._rawpy.RawPy.handle_error
rawpy._rawpy.LibRawNonFatalError: Unsupported file format or not RAW file

Tried open with Irfanview 4.51 , it could get preview, but could not do well postprocess . raw open param is like below, do I need extra param with rawpy or any hack could be done to achieve that?


Iamanorange commented 6 years ago

Can you upload your image here? Did you tried to read it using numpy.load() directly?

RawPy (or libraw) may not suitable to this kind of data (without headers).

butterl commented 6 years ago

@Iamanorange Thanks for reaching out! The camera data is on a remote lab machine, so I could only get screen shot(remote access) or text from that machine.

tried load like this, but not sure about the unpacked process,

ImageSize = 4160 * 3120 * 2 # height * width * 2   raw10 is uint16
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
    data = f.read(ImageSize)
    packed = np.frombuffer(data, dtype='uint8').astype('uint16')

also tried this from stackoverflow, could not see a proper image but could see a blurred contour

scene_infile = open(filename,'rb')
scene_image_array = np.fromfile(scene_infile,dtype=np.uint16,count=4160*3120)
scene_image = Image.frombuffer("I",[4160,3120],

rawpy may need header data to process, is it possible to pass the npdata and other data in ? I just want a 16 bit linear output jpg for enhance testset by already processed dng with rawpy

Iamanorange commented 6 years ago
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import rawpy

# For Adobe DNG image
input_file = 'path/to/rawimage.dng'
rawimg = rawpy.imread(input_file)
npimg = rawimg.raw_image

# For raw image (without any headers)
input_file = 'path/to/rawimage.raw'
npimg = fromfile(input_file, dtype=np.uint16)
imageSize = (3648, 2736)
npimg = npimg.reshape(imageSize)

# Save the image from array to file.
# TIFF is more suitable for 4 channel 10bit image
# comparing to JPEG
output_file = 'out.tiff'

You can use scp to download the image file from remote machine.

HongChow commented 2 years ago
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import rawpy

# For Adobe DNG image
input_file = 'path/to/rawimage.dng'
rawimg = rawpy.imread(input_file)
npimg = rawimg.raw_image

# For raw image (without any headers)
input_file = 'path/to/rawimage.raw'
npimg = fromfile(input_file, dtype=np.uint16)
imageSize = (3648, 2736)
npimg = npimg.reshape(imageSize)

# Save the image from array to file.
# TIFF is more suitable for 4 channel 10bit image
# comparing to JPEG
output_file = 'out.tiff'

You can use scp to download the image file from remote machine. hi, I want to know: how can use rawpy postprocessing for numpy array?

letmaik commented 2 years ago

how can use rawpy postprocessing for numpy array?

You can't.