leto / plparrot

Embed Parrot+Rakudo into PostgreSQL
Artistic License 2.0
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Smoker for PL/Parrot + Latest Parrot #21

Open leto opened 14 years ago

leto commented 14 years ago

Having a smoker that can run the PL/Parrot test suite with the latest Parrot subversion revision on a fixed Postgres installation would be really useful.

davidfetter commented 14 years ago

What version(s) of PostgreSQL? Now that 9.0beta has rolled, that's going to remain pretty stable, modulo giant bugs.

Also, what version(s) of Parrot?

Is there some smoker system you like? What's needed to become a smoker?

leto commented 13 years ago

What we actually need is a buildbot, because we want to detect failed compiles. You still interested in hacking on this, @davidfetter ? I am fine with just getting a single version of Postgres, such as 9.1.0, and compiling PL/Parrot against each commit to Parrot master.