letscontrolit / ESPEasy

Easy MultiSensor device based on ESP8266/ESP32
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Problems with %systime% since a few hours #1050

Closed micropet closed 6 years ago

micropet commented 6 years ago

With the current mega version, a rule with %systime% will no longer be executed. It still worked until this morning. Did you change that?

It is this part:

on green do if %systime%> 08:00:00 and %systime% <20:00:00 NeoPixelAll, 0,80,0,0 // green during the day else NeoPixelAll, 0,8,0,0 // green evening endif endon

Now at 23:20 NeoPixelAll, 0.80,0,0 is executed.

989116 : ACT : event gruen 989126 : EVENT: gruen 1019125 : ACT : NeoPixelAll,0,80,0,0 1106167 : EVENT: Clock#Time=Sat,23:30

TD-er commented 6 years ago

It shouldn't be changed. I did add something to support %systime_am% Hope I didn't introduce any bug with that.

micropet commented 6 years ago

I think so. Since the last update a few hours ago, it's not working anymore.

TD-er commented 6 years ago

Time is correct? (NTP reachable)

Do you by any chance have this rule in another file or rule-set?

micropet commented 6 years ago

yes, see my 1. post Nothing changed in Rules.

TD-er commented 6 years ago

Maybe I overlooked it (twice), but I cannot see anything in your post about using not the first ruleset.

And I see the rule being executed before the time is set.

micropet commented 6 years ago


micropet commented 6 years ago

Hm, my Rules are the same since a week or so. I flashed only a new Version.

i mean that: 1106167 : EVENT: Clock#Time=Sat,23:30 shows the right time.

TD-er commented 6 years ago

The thing is, something has been changed by @mvdbro to speed up handling of rules. That was not done by regular pull-requests, but just commits. One of these commits was about not checking all files, but assuming they are once checked. I just packed them all into one merge to v2.0 branch, which you can see here: https://github.com/letscontrolit/ESPEasy/commit/2682b0bd2febff501d783ded72f485860cd8b0e4

micropet commented 6 years ago


TD-er commented 6 years ago

One of the things changed, which may cause this: https://github.com/letscontrolit/ESPEasy/blob/ff656593ec018fb378f64dc824bd4a8d8a48d496/src/Misc.ino#L1999-L2004 The check is added. It used to be parsed always. So you could remove the check and only leave this:

line = parseTemplate(line, line.length());
micropet commented 6 years ago

No, it does not work.

16175 : ACT : event gruen 16185 : EVENT: gruen 16347 : EVENT: MH-Z19#MHZ19Temp=22.20 16449 : EVENT: MH-Z19#U=0.00 20065 : EVENT: Clock#Time=Sat,23:54 36960 : WD : Uptime 1 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 12344

107640 : EVENT: MH-Z19#PPM=521.00 107681 : ACT : NeoPixelAll,0,80,0,0

TD-er commented 6 years ago

Ah, found a bug (not sure if it is your bug) Look for the (1-off) error: https://github.com/letscontrolit/ESPEasy/blob/ff656593ec018fb378f64dc824bd4a8d8a48d496/src/Misc.ino#L1893-L1908


So again, what rule file are you using? (filenames at the SPIFF storage)

micropet commented 6 years ago

Rules Set 1 with:

// ----- ESP-206 Wo On System#Boot do //When the ESP boots, do Publish %sysname%/IP,%ip% timerSet,1,60 //Set Timer 1 for the next event in 60 seconds // timerSet,2,20 //Set Timer 2 for the next event in 20 seconds endon

On Rules#Timer=1 do //When Timer1 expires, do Publish %sysname%/IP,%ip% Publish %sysname%/Time,%systime% Publish %sysname%/Uptime,%uptime% Publish %sysname%/RSSI,%rssi% timerSet,1,60 //Resets the Timer 1 for another 60 seconds endon // -----

on Motion#Pir>0 do // nur tagsueber anzeigen if %systime% > 08:00:00 and %systime% < 20:00:00
gpio,14,1 // Led2 pink ON endif

on Motion#Pir=0 do gpio,14,0 // Led2 pink OFF endon // -----

On MH-Z19#PPM<700 do NeoPixelAll,0,80,0,0 // gruen endon

// ----- on MH-Z19#PPM do if [MH-Z19#PPM]<=700 event gruen endif if [MH-Z19#PPM]>=700 and [MH-Z19#PPM]<=1200 event gelb endif if [MH-Z19#PPM]>=1200 event rot endif

on gruen do if %systime% > 08:00:00 and %systime% < 20:00:00
NeoPixelAll,0,80,0,0 // gruen tagsueber else NeoPixelAll,0,8,0,0 // gruen abends endif endon

on gelb do if %systime% > 08:00:00 and %systime% < 20:00:00
NeoPixelAll,90,50,0,0 // gelb tagsueber else NeoPixelAll,8,4,0,0 endif endon

on rot do if %systime% > 08:00:00 and %systime% < 20:00:00
NeoPixelAll,80,0,0,0 // rot tagsueber else NeoPixelAll,8,0,0,0 endif endon
// ----------

micropet commented 6 years ago


TD-er commented 6 years ago

The motion detector in your rules also should not work at this moment. Does it?

micropet commented 6 years ago

motion detector sends via mqtt, but the led is off. That should be so

So some of the rules work.

TD-er commented 6 years ago

Just to make sure, you did remove the first check if(match || !codeBlock){ and the matching }, I suggested and it still doesn't work?

micropet commented 6 years ago

I think i have it:

     int comment = line.indexOf("//");
      if (comment > 0)
        line = line.substring(0, comment);

        // only parse [xxx#yyy] if we have a matching ruleblock or need to eval the "on" (no codeBlock)
        // This to avoid waisting CPU time...
        line = parseTemplate(line, line.length());

      String lineOrg = line; // store original line for future use
      line.toLowerCase(); // convert all to lower case to make checks easier
TD-er commented 6 years ago

I think that's the part I was talking about. You did remove the if statement and now it works?

micropet commented 6 years ago

yes, i removed no, it works not.

TD-er commented 6 years ago

I think we have to look into it tomorrow with a fresh look.

micropet commented 6 years ago

Yes, good. I also wanted to go to bed. Good night and thank you.

TD-er commented 6 years ago

Hmm, would be great if some later versions also work, because a lot has changed the last 2 weeks.

Just to be sure, you're running Mega branch?

micropet commented 6 years ago

Yes, I always have the Mega Branch,

Something does not seem to be OK yet. The LEDs are dark and red at the moment, but every 30 seconds they flash green for a few milliseconds.

I will check everything again tomorrow.

TD-er commented 6 years ago

Tomorrow past 8 am, so all seems to be fine ;)

micropet commented 6 years ago


micropet commented 6 years ago

Gijs, I have to apologize !!

I typed the rules again by hand. Now everything works again.

There must have disturbed a space or a TAB. Although I do not understand it anyway. I had not changed anything in the rules for over a week.


TD-er commented 6 years ago

OK, nice to hear :) Maybe we should check for all kind of whitespaces and add some redundant checks to it.

You have a dump here of the rules, so maybe tomorrow do a compare? Just curious what it could have been.

ghost commented 6 years ago

The 1-off bug is fixed, although it did not stop rules1 from processing anyway. I also added debugging on serial output (because the large volume only serial) when level is set to DEBUG_DEV. Then it will show the rules as they are fed into the MATCH block, so after parsing templates and system variables. It also shows the status on some booleans that will aid in debugging when needed.

micropet commented 6 years ago

I've packed up the working and non-functioning rule. Look pretty much the same.

I'll test the current version from you right away. Rules.zip

uzi18 commented 6 years ago

During testing rules conditions, my friend have found a bug with Tabs and whitespaces. Rules were interpreted incorectly.

It was introduced by... Editing rules in external editor and next pasted to espeasy.

uzi18 commented 6 years ago

Maybe replace tabs to spaces in lines will resolve this.

micropet commented 6 years ago

Good to know. I write my programs and the rules with Notepad ++ and then paste them.

micropet commented 6 years ago

So, everything works for me again as desired. Thanks for your help.

uzi18 commented 6 years ago

You changed something in rules or there was a patch?

uzi18 commented 6 years ago

duplicate of #1065 ?