letscontrolit / ESPEasy

Easy MultiSensor device based on ESP8266/ESP32
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Config Layout: IP Settings - Clarify meanings #1191

Closed whatsupskip closed 1 year ago

whatsupskip commented 6 years ago

Actual behavior

"IP Settings" "ESP GW:"

Expected behavior

"Static IP Settings" "ESP GateWay:"

Might seem obvious to many, but there is enough space to make these changes to make the menu clearer.

System configuration

Hardware: All

Software or git version: mega-20180316 and earlier

Budman1758 commented 6 years ago

@whatsupskip Static IP Settings in the header would suffice Would you have them spell out "Domain Name Server" too?

whatsupskip commented 6 years ago

I think DNS is almost always abbreviated so it isn't a problem. I looked at "ESP GW", and it took a moment or two to realise what it ment. I figure if someone like me has that problem, then someone less experienced is going to struggle more.

Budman1758 commented 6 years ago

Well.... I guess that makes sense. On the other hand if someone with lesser experience is messing with those settings they may not understand any of it. :-)

whatsupskip commented 6 years ago

Yes, I had thought of that.

Oxyandy commented 6 years ago

@whatsupskip Another note, although these devices can be made so the interface could include pictures, have scrolling text, beautiful fonts, borders, perfect grammar & hugely descriptive text internally...... Each 'little' change makes the firmware larger, then larger - but it comes at the expense of function, speed etc.. say bye bye to OTA & other functions, but hey it looks pretty.. So it's better to keep what is inside 'as small as possible' and just refer users to the 'Read Me' heading STATIC IP Sub GW DNS Who wouldn't understand that ? But if they are really that bad, well there is always the 'external docs' too

whatsupskip commented 6 years ago

I understand that, but surely a little bit of clarifying text wouldn't take up much space, particularly compared to additional pictures, fonts or boarders.

I am really just trying to help the project in what ways I can. My programming skills aren't good enough to help in that area, but UI experience in Alpha testing is.

Oxyandy commented 6 years ago

This is less text than original - if you understand what a static IP is, how it is not understandable ? Every bit of space saved, is what it is, 'space for something else' If you have the attitude across the board, ah is only a 'little bit', but those 'bits' add up. static_ip Note I changed the order to match how they are commonly shown such as output from Ipconfig Could do away with the ":" & " - optional" too

whatsupskip commented 6 years ago

What you are showing above is very good!

May be change the "optional" to "Optional".

Oxyandy commented 6 years ago

@whatsupskip Not trying to put you off voicing your opinion in any way mate. Keep on doing what you do ! "What's the matter Skip?" - assuming ur from OZ, ha I am just trying to show my opinion too and my reasons for having it.. These things are tiny, think today, 'space is everything' and tomorrow might be room for something else Original heading says "IP Settings", now that is vague.. the words ESP down the left, nah - just a waste 'delete' Clarity for sure, but say same thing with least characters, words

whatsupskip commented 6 years ago

Yes, "What's up skip?" was from the iconic tv show from the sixties. Skippy could do anything...fly the helicopter, while programming a NASA computer, while chasing criminals, while putting out a bush fire and conducting a rescue. All at the same time.

The only problem is, skippy was a female. Yes, I am Australian.

tonhuisman commented 1 year ago

This seems to be solved, so can be closed.