letscontrolit / ESPEasy

Easy MultiSensor device based on ESP8266/ESP32
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MQTT lost connection and device lost ping for 3 sec after gpio,x,x command #1228

Closed erokoder closed 5 years ago

erokoder commented 6 years ago

Hello all,

I am developing home bridge plugin with mqtt broker for up and down blinds. So, I want "up and down" blinds with Home App, and also I want "up and down" blinds with with a physical wall switch. Physical wall switch connected to GPIO0 AND GPIO9 (Sonoff Dual r2, lastes firmware v2.0-20180322) Control even is [Import#moving] that show // 0 = Stoped , 1=Moving Up , Moving Down. When app start moving down, App publish 1, after blinds moving finished, sonoff publish 2. So, I have problem with publish 2. For some reason after gpio,12,0 mqtt lost connection and dont publish 2, and also mqtt import dont update state moving to 2. A couple of times pass without problems, but every some time the connection is lost, and this is always on this part after gpio,12,0 or gpio,5,0. Also when mqtt lost connection, sonoff device lose ping and freezing browser for 3 sec.

I make some things easier with mqtt, and never lost connection to the same device son off dual r2. (So, The device is okay)

All Rules Code:

on Import#moving=0 do 
        Delay [Import#time]
        Publish RoletneMalaSobaWC/currentPosition,[Import#target]
        Publish RoletneMalaSobaWC/statePosition,2

on Import#moving=1 do 
        Delay [Import#time]
        Publish RoletneMalaSobaWC/currentPosition,[Import#target]
        Publish RoletneMalaSobaWC/statePosition,2

on TipkaUp#Stanje=0 do
     if [Import#moving]=2 
        Publish RoletneMalaSobaWC/targetPosition,100
        Publish RoletneMalaSobaWC/time,10000
        Publish RoletneMalaSobaWC/statePosition,1

on TipkaUp#Stanje=1 do 
     if [Import#moving]=2 
        Publish RoletneMalaSobaWC/targetPosition,100
        Publish RoletneMalaSobaWC/time,10000  
        Publish RoletneMalaSobaWC/statePosition,1

on TipkaDown#Stanje=0 do
     if [Import#moving]=2 
        Publish RoletneMalaSobaWC/targetPosition,0
        Publish RoletneMalaSobaWC/time,10000
        Publish RoletneMalaSobaWC/statePosition,0

on TipkaDown#Stanje=1 do 
     if [Import#moving]=2 
        Publish RoletneMalaSobaWC/targetPosition,0
        Publish RoletneMalaSobaWC/time,10000  
        Publish RoletneMalaSobaWC/statePosition,0


Grovkillen commented 6 years ago

Just curious, how come you didn't follow the instructions on how to create an issue? I had to fix the format quite a bit...

erokoder commented 6 years ago

@Grovkillen Sorry for that format, I copy text from forum I thought that cover most of the default format.

giig1967g commented 6 years ago

@radebebek : can you post the screenshot of the devices page?

erokoder commented 6 years ago

@giig1967g Screenshot Picture If you need under device tell me.

giig1967g commented 6 years ago

First of all, you are not saying which version of the software you are using.

Second, I suspect that you are having the same problem as https://github.com/letscontrolit/ESPEasy/issues/1216 In other words: you are using an OUTPUT pin inside the Input Switch plugin, that should be used only for INPUT pins. Follow the issue linked to see if other user confirms the issue.

In the meantime, try removing the SwitchUp (task 3) and SwitchDown (task 5) from the devices list, do a power cold reboot and test to see if the issue goes away.

Then please return your feedback

erokoder commented 6 years ago

@giig1967g Thanks for advice, I will try tonight and return feedback. In first post I wrote version (firmware v2.0-20180322) or We do not mean the same thing?

giig1967g commented 6 years ago

sorry I missed the firmware version.

I am not sure but I suspect also that the mega version has been updated with several MQTT improvements that have not been included into the V2.0. But I am not sure. Maybe TD-er can confirm.

Can you try also latest mega relase?

TD-er commented 6 years ago

There have been some MQTT updates in de last few weeks indeed. But if the system is unavailable for so long, please also check the logs using serial output to see if something strange is happening. The logs for MQTT in case of reconnects are quite verbose. And also look for uptime of the node. 3 seconds is a bit too fast for a complete reboot + reconnect, but 5 sec. is possible with the newer event based wifi.

Grovkillen commented 6 years ago

As of later versions I need to have a delay of 250mSec between each Publish command. Not sure if 250 is the exact needed time but it works.

on MQTT#Connected do 
giig1967g commented 6 years ago

@radebebek : did you test my suggestion and/or @Grovkillen suggestion?

TD-er commented 6 years ago

@Grovkillen That 250 msec is the default interval to perform MQTT actions. It was something I chose to be "no idea what it should be, but sounds like OK". You could lower it in ESPEasy.ino to check if that improves the publish behavior. Maybe I should make it dynamic to set the timeout to 'now' when a publish command was given. That's an easy fix. If that sounds OK to you, please add an issue for that.

erokoder commented 6 years ago

@TD-er @giig1967g @Grovkillen I have a lot of work in my company :/, I hope that tonight (Central Europe time) test all suggestions from you.

Grovkillen commented 6 years ago

@TD-er Yes that sounds like a better solution.

TD-er commented 6 years ago

In Controller.ino, you could add timermqtt = millis(); like this:

boolean MQTTpublish(int controller_idx, const char* topic, const char* payload, boolean retained)
  if (MQTTclient.publish(topic, payload, retained)) {
    timermqtt = millis(); // Make sure the MQTT is being processed as soon as possible.
    return true;
  addLog(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, F("MQTT : publish failed"));
  return false;
Grovkillen commented 6 years ago

@TD-er That code snippet did the trick!

On TestEvent Do

And sent this command event,TestEvent=1...100 worked as a charm.

TD-er commented 6 years ago

OK, then we should add that asap :) I was thinking about making the interval to call MQTT's own loop() more dynamic. What are the use cases data is sent through MQTT? With this patch we've fixed the publish tasks. MQTTimport should also be looked at, but I was thinking that one should also get a complete make-over to be less of a hack and use a normal controller, not its own MQTT client.

Grovkillen commented 6 years ago

"use cases" as in end user or generic esp easy?

TD-er commented 6 years ago

As in 'workflow' or 'information flow'. Where does the communication come from with MQTT? Are there incoming messages from broker to ESP? If so, are they only to the MQTTimport, or also via other controllers? What's reading them?

Grovkillen commented 6 years ago


From ESP Easy:

To ESP Easy:

To MQTT Import:


From ESP Easy:

To ESP Easy:

I would like the #378 discussion to be featured as well....

TD-er commented 6 years ago

If you're setting a switch in something like Domoticz, how is that data sent to the ESP via MQTT? Is the switch plugin listening to some subscribed channel? Polling for incoming messages on MQTT is also related to that interval timer, which is now set to 250 msec. Maybe the 'nominal' MQTT interval check timer should be user selectable?

Grovkillen commented 6 years ago

I'm no Domoticz user... haven't looked into that, only the OpenHAB MQTT which is pretty generic... only the starting front slash that is non-generic and easily removed in the settings.

TD-er commented 6 years ago

I guess OpenHAB MQTT is not so different. So the switch listens to a subscribed topic?

Grovkillen commented 6 years ago

for generic MQTT we only send commands or as in my case I use events or MQTT Import to trigger events.

erokoder commented 6 years ago

Hello all, Update:

  1. @giig1967g I was trying remove SwitchUp (task 3) and SwitchDown (task 5). The situation is unchanged. Picture

  2. @TD-er , @Grovkillen I was trying add Delay after all Publish comand. The situation is unchanged. Picture

  3. @TD-er Later today, I will try set lasted mega version, after that I set update in topic.

When MQTT connection loss, simply do not change the Import#moving variables that the shutter stop. Or if it was published before lost connection. After establish connection, does not take on real value. App must publish and after that MQTT import take real value.

I will notice that it has passed a few times without lost connection.

Grovkillen commented 6 years ago

Yes the delay is not doing anything better for your problem as it just pause the loop. But the code change suggested by @TD-er worked just perfectly and I believe your problem will be gone once implemented.

erokoder commented 6 years ago

@Grovkillen I have must wait for a new version firmware or I can add manual that code? Because I flash .bin firmware file with NodeMcu. And I Am not sure how to add that code.

Grovkillen commented 6 years ago

Yes you need to wait for the official build, but first someone need to PR that change, then it need to be merged. But until then you can experiment with my custom build found here.

wdonker commented 6 years ago

@TD-er : Concerning Domoticz MQTT (maybe you already found out): A P029 task has to be configured to make ESPEasy listen to domoticz/out MQTT-messages. The logic to handle these messsages however is part of C002.ino.

TD-er commented 6 years ago

@wdonker I'm not sure what you mean by this. Does this mean, something has to change?

wdonker commented 6 years ago

No, I was referring to your question:

If you're setting a switch in something like Domoticz, how is that data sent to the ESP via MQTT? Is the switch plugin listening to some subscribed channel?

Grovkillen commented 6 years ago

We've added a small delay of 10mSec and the unit is now responding even better. I close this issue now.

erokoder commented 6 years ago

@Grovkillen @giig1967g @TD-er So, I have a lot of work and I try just today new firmware : GIT version | mega-20180417. I have bad news, nothing has changed. The same problem of losing the connection remained. Picture I have flashed without problems. Is there any idea, or I give up mqtt import?

TD-er commented 6 years ago

There is quite a number of issues with MQTTimport, so that is quite high on the to-do list. But there is also a number of issues with WiFi and that's what I am going to look at this evening. Maybe this issue and the issues with wifi are somehow related.

Just a question, do you use DHCP or static IP?

erokoder commented 6 years ago

Sonoff and Mqtt Server both have static ip. I have noticed since it's new mega-20180417 that I make the opening and closing blinds cca 10 times without lost connection, and after that mqtt import lost connection some time. And so it alternates.

For some other things, that might not be a big problem. However, in my situation, if the mqttimport loses the connection, variable [MQTTImport#moving] stays in the moving state 0 or 1 (2 is stop state and correct state after action DOWN or UP) and after that I have to make a manual pablish number 2. Otherwise, applications are blocked.

erokoder commented 6 years ago

@TD-er Bigger log : Picture In this case, gpio 12 is correct passed, next acction is gpio 5 and mwtt lost connection. Publish MQTTImport#moving to 2 never come to MQTT Server.

Oxyandy commented 6 years ago

@radebebek What controllers do you have enabled please ?

erokoder commented 6 years ago

@Oxyandy OpenHAB MQTT

Oxyandy commented 6 years ago

Thanks, I will try something later do you have any logs too ?

erokoder commented 6 years ago

In the picture in previous messages, if you want that log or something else? @Oxyandy

TD-er commented 6 years ago

Yesterday I made a change in how the wifi is configured with static IP. In short, there is a bug in core 2.4.0 that will not set the _use_static_ip variable and thus starts the DHCP client. This may lead to several strange issues. So I created a dummy class which inherits the class that has this static member and added 1 function, to set this boolean. Now the wifi is switched off, set this boolean as needed and start wifi.

I just realized, it still has to check this flag after changing settings, but at least the wifi should work now with static IP, as long as the settings are not change between static/DHCP.

erokoder commented 6 years ago

@TD-er There was a misunderstanding. I have Router "Mikrotik" where I configure reservation Static IP for all sonoff device. So, my sonoff is DHCP (Leave blank where is IP address) but He always give same address. Can this be a problem?

TD-er commented 6 years ago

Nope, should work just fine. There (hopefully was) an issue with connecting with static IP.

erokoder commented 6 years ago

@TD-er Any progress?

TD-er commented 6 years ago

I've not yet looked into the MQTT issues the last week. Too busy with wifi issues. Those have to be dealt with first, because these may also lead to other connection related problems.

erokoder commented 6 years ago

@TD-er, @giig1967g @Grovkillen I installed the latest version mega, I saw nothing improved. :( I did a little work on this and I have some new knowledge. So, when I remove all Publish comannd and leave only this in rules:

on Import#moving=0 do 
        Delay [Import#time]

on Import#moving=1 do 
        Delay [Import#time]

When gpio5 or gpio12 set to 0... MQTT Lost connection. (It also sometimes passes without losing the connection.)


1622425: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
1622426: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
1622441: ACT  : gpio,5,1
1622444: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
1622450: ACT  : Delay 10000
1622460: Command: delay
1632462: ACT  : gpio,5,0
1632464: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
1632488: MQTT : Connection lost
1632489: EVENT: MQTT#Disconnected
1632520: MQTT : Connected to broker with client ID: ESPClient_DC:4F:22:80:3D:01
1632523: Subscribed to: /RoletneMalaSobaWC/#
1632524: EVENT: MQTT#Connected

I also some other project when use similar and I dont have problem (only difference is thatin one action I use gpio set to high, in other action to low. Code down).

on Import#Svijetlo=1 do 
on Import#Svijetlo=0 do 
on Tipka#Stanje=1 do 
         if [Import#Svijetlo]=0 
              Publish RoletneMalaSobaWC/Power,1
              Publish RoletneMalaSobaWC/Power,0 
on Tipka#Stanje=0 do 
         if [Import#Svijetlo]=0 
               Publish RoletneMalaSobaWC/Power,1 
               Publish RoletneMalaSobaWC/Power,0 

This comparison explains that the problem is created because in the same action gpio is power on and power off, and it's somehow connected with MQTT. I hope that I helped a little and that this will be solved.

erokoder commented 6 years ago

@TD-er @Grovkillen @giig1967g After continuing testing variation. I found the cause problem. If I have this:

on Import#moving=0 do 
        Publish RoletneMalaSobaWC/currentPosition,[Import#target]
        Publish RoletneMalaSobaWC/statePosition,2 

on Import#moving=1 do 
        Publish RoletneMalaSobaWC/currentPosition,[Import#target]
        Publish RoletneMalaSobaWC/statePosition,2 

I dont have any problem. So if I include simple command Delay 1000, mqtt lost connection. So that comannd is problem for MQTT.

on Import#moving=0 do 
        Delay 1000
        Publish RoletneMalaSobaWC/currentPosition,[Import#target]
        Publish RoletneMalaSobaWC/statePosition,2 

on Import#moving=1 do 
        Delay 1000
        Publish RoletneMalaSobaWC/currentPosition,[Import#target]
        Publish RoletneMalaSobaWC/statePosition,2 
TD-er commented 6 years ago

Maybe @Grovkillen has something intelligent to say about these rules?

giig1967g commented 6 years ago

Hi @radebebek I have similar rule with Delay, publish, etc:

on rotarypush#switch=0 do
  sendto 16,event,task1=[rotary#counter]
  publish /%sysname%/dummy/nLocalSetTemp1,[rotary#counter]

But I don't have disconnections. See log:

30873086 : EVENT: rotaryPush#Switch=0.00
30873103 : ACT  : timerset,1,0
30873111 : Command: timerset
30873119 : ACT  : oled,2,1,Set=23.
30873165 : ACT  : gpio,0,0
30873166 : SW   : GPIO 0 Set to 0
30873248 : ACT  : delay 500
30873255 : Command: delay
30873386 : ACT  : gpio,0,1
30873387 : SW   : GPIO 0 Set to 1
30873395 : ACT  : sendto 16,event,task1=23
30873403 : Command: sendto
30873465 : ACT  : delay,1000
30873471 : Command: delay
30874480 : ACT  : publish /ESPT3/dummy/nLocalSetTemp1,23
30874488 : Command: publish
30874530 : SW   : Switch state 1 Output value 1
30874532 : EVENT: rotaryPush#Switch=1.00
30899298 : EVENT: Clock#Time=Wed,08:05

What is your router and MQTT broker?

erokoder commented 6 years ago

raspberry pi and Mosquitto in my home network. @giig1967g My rules is really simple. It's easy to make a test case and try it out. I'm going to set a bigger log tonight. But I definitely have a problem with Delay. If you want, I can send you the whole configuration, you're configure fast. You can test it.

erokoder commented 6 years ago
41572: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
41572: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
60610: WD   : Uptime 1 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 17784
90472: IMPT : [import#target] : 100.00
90473: EVENT: import#target=100.00
90610: WD   : Uptime 2 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 17784
98575: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
98576: EVENT: import#target=0.00
98671: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
98672: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
98682: ACT  : gpio,12,1
98684: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
98687: ACT  : gpio,12,0
98688: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
98693: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
98704: Command: publish
98710: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
98722: Command: publish
98772: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
98773: EVENT: import#current=0.00
99075: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
99076: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
101372: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
101372: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
101384: ACT  : gpio,5,1
101386: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
101389: ACT  : gpio,5,0
101391: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
101396: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
101407: Command: publish
101413: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
101426: Command: publish
101473: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
101474: EVENT: import#current=100.00
101673: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
101674: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
105975: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
105976: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
106174: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
106175: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
106181: ACT  : gpio,12,1
106184: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
106187: ACT  : gpio,12,0
106189: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
106194: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
106204: Command: publish
106210: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
106220: Command: publish
106473: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
106473: EVENT: import#current=0.00
106574: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
106575: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
111272: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
111272: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
111282: ACT  : gpio,5,1
111283: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
111286: ACT  : gpio,5,0
111287: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
111292: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
111302: Command: publish
111308: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
111321: Command: publish
111373: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
111374: EVENT: import#current=100.00
111472: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
111473: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
114571: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
114572: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
114578: ACT  : gpio,12,1
114580: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
114582: ACT  : gpio,12,0
114583: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
114588: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
114599: Command: publish
114605: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
114617: Command: publish
114775: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
114776: EVENT: import#current=0.00
114874: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
114875: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
117875: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
117875: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
117974: IMPT : [import#target] : 100.00
117975: EVENT: import#target=100.00
118075: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
118076: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
118085: ACT  : gpio,5,1
118087: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
118089: ACT  : gpio,5,0
118091: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
118095: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
118106: Command: publish
118114: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
118125: Command: publish
118273: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
118274: EVENT: import#current=100.00
118371: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
118372: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
120610: WD   : Uptime 2 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 17784
122471: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
122472: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
122478: ACT  : gpio,12,1
122479: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
122482: ACT  : gpio,12,0
122483: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
122488: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
122498: Command: publish
122504: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
122519: Command: publish
122572: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
122573: EVENT: import#current=0.00
122674: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
122675: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
127471: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
127472: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
127481: ACT  : gpio,5,1
127483: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
127486: ACT  : gpio,5,0
127487: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
127492: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
127503: Command: publish
127508: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
127519: Command: publish
127673: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
127673: EVENT: import#current=100.00
127771: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
127772: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
131371: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
131372: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
131378: ACT  : gpio,12,1
131380: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
131382: ACT  : gpio,12,0
131383: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
131388: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
131398: Command: publish
131404: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
131417: Command: publish
131573: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
131573: EVENT: import#current=0.00
131671: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
131672: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
135371: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
135372: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
135381: ACT  : gpio,5,1
135383: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
135386: ACT  : gpio,5,0
135387: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
135392: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
135402: Command: publish
135410: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
135421: Command: publish
135573: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
135573: EVENT: import#current=100.00
135671: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
135672: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
138972: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
138973: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
139171: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
139172: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
139178: ACT  : gpio,12,1
139180: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
139182: ACT  : gpio,12,0
139183: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
139188: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
139201: Command: publish
139207: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
139219: Command: publish
139373: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
139373: EVENT: import#current=0.00
139474: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
139475: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
144471: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
144472: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
144481: ACT  : gpio,5,1
144483: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
144486: ACT  : gpio,5,0
144487: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
144492: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
144502: Command: publish
144508: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
144523: Command: publish
144673: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
144673: EVENT: import#current=100.00
144771: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
144772: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
147672: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
147673: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
147872: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
147873: EVENT: import#target=0.00
147971: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
147972: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
147978: ACT  : gpio,12,1
147979: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
147982: ACT  : gpio,12,0
147983: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
147988: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
148001: Command: publish
148007: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
148018: Command: publish
148101: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
148102: EVENT: import#current=0.00
148171: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
148172: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
150610: WD   : Uptime 3 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 17784
150772: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
150773: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
150973: IMPT : [import#target] : 100.00
150973: EVENT: import#target=100.00
151088: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
151088: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
151098: ACT  : gpio,5,1
151103: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
151106: ACT  : gpio,5,0
151108: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
151113: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
151123: Command: publish
151129: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
151141: Command: publish
151173: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
151174: EVENT: import#current=100.00
151271: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
151272: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
155872: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
155873: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
156274: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
156275: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
156280: ACT  : gpio,12,1
156286: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
156289: ACT  : gpio,12,0
156291: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
156295: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
156306: Command: publish
156312: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
156322: Command: publish
156474: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
156475: EVENT: import#current=0.00
156572: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
156572: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
159974: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
159975: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
160171: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
160172: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
160184: ACT  : gpio,5,1
160185: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
160188: ACT  : gpio,5,0
160190: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
160194: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
160205: Command: publish
160211: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
160223: Command: publish
160373: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
160374: EVENT: import#current=100.00
160471: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
160472: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
165672: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
165673: EVENT: import#target=0.00
165771: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
165772: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
165778: ACT  : gpio,12,1
165779: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
165782: ACT  : gpio,12,0
165783: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
165788: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
165798: Command: publish
165807: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
165818: Command: publish
165973: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
165973: EVENT: import#current=0.00
166108: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
166108: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
171073: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
171074: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
171272: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
171272: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
171282: ACT  : gpio,5,1
171283: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
171286: ACT  : gpio,5,0
171287: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
171292: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
171302: Command: publish
171308: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
171321: Command: publish
171473: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
171474: EVENT: import#current=100.00
171572: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
171572: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
177073: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
177074: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
177273: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
177274: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
177280: ACT  : gpio,12,1
177282: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
177285: ACT  : gpio,12,0
177286: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
177291: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
177301: Command: publish
177307: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
177319: Command: publish
177373: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
177374: EVENT: import#current=0.00
177472: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
177473: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
180610: WD   : Uptime 3 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 17784
180872: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
180873: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
181074: IMPT : [import#target] : 100.00
181074: EVENT: import#target=100.00
181172: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
181173: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
181182: ACT  : gpio,5,1
181184: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
181187: ACT  : gpio,5,0
181188: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
181193: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
181203: Command: publish
181209: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
181222: Command: publish
181373: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
181374: EVENT: import#current=100.00
181471: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
181472: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
185571: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
185572: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
185578: ACT  : gpio,12,1
185579: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
185582: ACT  : gpio,12,0
185583: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
185588: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
185598: Command: publish
185604: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
185614: Command: publish
185773: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
185773: EVENT: import#current=0.00
185871: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
185872: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
188973: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
188974: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
189072: IMPT : [import#target] : 100.00
189073: EVENT: import#target=100.00
189172: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
189173: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
189182: ACT  : gpio,5,1
189183: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
189186: ACT  : gpio,5,0
189187: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
189192: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
189202: Command: publish
189209: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
189221: Command: publish
189273: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
189273: EVENT: import#current=100.00
189371: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
189372: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
192573: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
192574: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
192580: ACT  : gpio,12,1
192582: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
192585: ACT  : gpio,12,0
192586: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
192591: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
192601: Command: publish
192607: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
192622: Command: publish
192673: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
192673: EVENT: import#current=0.00
192772: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
192772: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
195671: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
195672: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
195681: ACT  : gpio,5,1
195685: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
195688: ACT  : gpio,5,0
195689: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
195694: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
195704: Command: publish
195710: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
195722: Command: publish
195773: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
195774: EVENT: import#current=100.00
196072: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
196073: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
198571: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
198572: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
198578: ACT  : gpio,12,1
198579: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
198582: ACT  : gpio,12,0
198583: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
198588: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
198598: Command: publish
198604: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
198617: Command: publish
198673: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
198674: EVENT: import#current=0.00
198772: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
198773: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
203472: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
203473: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
203482: ACT  : gpio,5,1
203483: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
203486: ACT  : gpio,5,0
203487: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
203492: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
203502: Command: publish
203508: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
203521: Command: publish
203574: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
203575: EVENT: import#current=100.00
203672: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
203672: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
208073: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
208074: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
208375: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
208376: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
208382: ACT  : gpio,12,1
208384: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
208387: ACT  : gpio,12,0
208388: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
208393: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
208403: Command: publish
208409: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
208422: Command: publish
208473: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
208473: EVENT: import#current=0.00
208574: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
208574: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
210610: WD   : Uptime 4 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 17784
213972: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
213973: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
214172: IMPT : [import#target] : 100.00
214173: EVENT: import#target=100.00
214271: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
214272: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
214281: ACT  : gpio,5,1
214283: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
214286: ACT  : gpio,5,0
214290: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
214295: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
214306: Command: publish
214314: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
214326: Command: publish
214482: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
214482: EVENT: import#current=100.00
214572: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
214572: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
217773: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
217774: EVENT: import#target=0.00
217871: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
217872: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
217878: ACT  : gpio,12,1
217879: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
217884: ACT  : gpio,12,0
217886: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
217891: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
217901: Command: publish
217908: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
217918: Command: publish
218073: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
218073: EVENT: import#current=0.00
218172: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
218173: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
219772: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
219772: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
219781: ACT  : gpio,5,1
219783: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
219786: ACT  : gpio,5,0
219787: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
219792: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
219802: Command: publish
219809: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
219821: Command: publish
219973: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
219974: EVENT: import#current=100.00
220072: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
220072: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
221875: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
221876: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
221882: ACT  : gpio,12,1
221884: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
221886: ACT  : gpio,12,0
221888: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
221892: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
221903: Command: publish
221908: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
221921: Command: publish
221973: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
221974: EVENT: import#current=0.00
222072: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
222073: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
223074: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
223075: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
223272: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
223273: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
223282: ACT  : gpio,5,1
223284: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
223286: ACT  : gpio,5,0
223288: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
223292: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
223302: Command: publish
223311: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
223323: Command: publish
223373: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
223373: EVENT: import#current=100.00
223471: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
223472: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
226773: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
226774: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
226974: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
226975: EVENT: import#target=0.00
227072: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
227072: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
227078: ACT  : gpio,12,1
227080: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
227086: ACT  : gpio,12,0
227088: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
227097: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
227108: Command: publish
227114: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
227124: Command: publish
227273: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
227273: EVENT: import#current=0.00
227371: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
227372: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
228771: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
228772: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
228781: ACT  : gpio,5,1
228783: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
228786: ACT  : gpio,5,0
228787: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
228791: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
228802: Command: publish
228808: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
228821: Command: publish
228973: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
228974: EVENT: import#current=100.00
229071: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
229072: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
240610: WD   : Uptime 4 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 17784
268373: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
268374: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
268380: ACT  : gpio,12,1
268382: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
268385: ACT  : gpio,12,0
268386: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
268391: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
268401: Command: publish
268407: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
268419: Command: publish
268473: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
268473: EVENT: import#current=0.00
268572: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
268572: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
270610: WD   : Uptime 5 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 17784
271672: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
271673: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
271772: IMPT : [import#target] : 100.00
271773: EVENT: import#target=100.00
271872: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
271872: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
271881: ACT  : gpio,5,1
271883: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
271886: ACT  : gpio,5,0
271887: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
271892: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
271902: Command: publish
271908: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
271921: Command: publish
271996: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
271997: EVENT: import#current=100.00
272172: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
272172: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
275872: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
275873: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
276171: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
276172: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
276178: ACT  : gpio,12,1
276179: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
276182: ACT  : gpio,12,0
276183: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
276188: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
276198: Command: publish
276204: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
276214: Command: publish
276273: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
276274: EVENT: import#current=0.00
276371: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
276372: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
277872: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
277873: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
278172: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
278172: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
278182: ACT  : gpio,5,1
278184: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
278186: ACT  : gpio,5,0
278187: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
278192: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
278202: Command: publish
278209: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
278221: Command: publish
278274: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
278275: EVENT: import#current=100.00
278372: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
278372: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
279672: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
279673: EVENT: import#target=0.00
279773: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
279774: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
279780: ACT  : gpio,12,1
279782: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
279785: ACT  : gpio,12,0
279786: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
279790: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
279803: Command: publish
279809: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
279822: Command: publish
279873: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
279874: EVENT: import#current=0.00
280006: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
280007: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
281672: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
281673: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
281682: ACT  : gpio,5,1
281683: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
281686: ACT  : gpio,5,0
281687: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
281692: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
281702: Command: publish
281709: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
281721: Command: publish
281774: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
281774: EVENT: import#current=100.00
281871: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
281872: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
283271: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
283272: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
283280: ACT  : gpio,12,1
283282: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
283285: ACT  : gpio,12,0
283286: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
283290: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
283301: Command: publish
283307: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
283319: Command: publish
283473: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
283473: EVENT: import#current=0.00
283571: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
283572: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
284672: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
284673: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
284772: IMPT : [import#target] : 100.00
284773: EVENT: import#target=100.00
284871: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
284872: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
284881: ACT  : gpio,5,1
284883: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
284886: ACT  : gpio,5,0
284887: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
284892: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
284902: Command: publish
284909: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
284923: Command: publish
285073: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
285074: EVENT: import#current=100.00
285171: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
285172: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
285872: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
285873: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
286273: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
286274: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
286280: ACT  : gpio,12,1
286282: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
286285: ACT  : gpio,12,0
286286: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
286290: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
286301: Command: publish
286306: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
286319: Command: publish
286373: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
286373: EVENT: import#current=0.00
286471: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
286472: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
287371: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
287372: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
287383: ACT  : gpio,5,1
287385: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
287388: ACT  : gpio,5,0
287389: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
287394: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
287404: Command: publish
287410: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
287423: Command: publish
287473: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
287473: EVENT: import#current=100.00
287578: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
287579: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
288471: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
288472: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
288478: ACT  : gpio,12,1
288479: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
288482: ACT  : gpio,12,0
288483: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
288488: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
288498: Command: publish
288507: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
288519: Command: publish
288672: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
288673: EVENT: import#current=0.00
288771: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
288772: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
289571: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
289572: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
289581: ACT  : gpio,5,1
289583: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
289586: ACT  : gpio,5,0
289587: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
289591: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
289602: Command: publish
289608: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
289621: Command: publish
289673: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
289673: EVENT: import#current=100.00
289771: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
289772: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
290572: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
290572: EVENT: import#target=0.00
290673: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
290674: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
290680: ACT  : gpio,12,1
290682: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
290685: ACT  : gpio,12,0
290686: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
290690: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
290701: Command: publish
290707: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
290720: Command: publish
290773: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
290773: EVENT: import#current=0.00
291573: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
291574: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
291872: IMPT : [import#target] : 100.00
291873: EVENT: import#target=100.00
291978: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
291978: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
291988: ACT  : gpio,5,1
291990: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
291992: ACT  : gpio,5,0
291993: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
291998: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
292009: Command: publish
292015: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
292027: Command: publish
292173: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
292174: EVENT: import#current=100.00
292271: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
292272: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
292973: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
292974: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
293171: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
293172: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
293178: ACT  : gpio,12,1
293182: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
293185: ACT  : gpio,12,0
293186: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
293191: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
293201: Command: publish
293209: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
293222: Command: publish
293274: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
293274: EVENT: import#current=0.00
293573: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
293574: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
294674: IMPT : [import#target] : 100.00
294674: EVENT: import#target=100.00
294773: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
294773: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
294782: ACT  : gpio,5,1
294784: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
294787: ACT  : gpio,5,0
294788: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
294793: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
294803: Command: publish
294809: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
294822: Command: publish
294974: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
294974: EVENT: import#current=100.00
295772: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
295773: EVENT: import#target=0.00
295874: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
295875: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
295880: ACT  : gpio,12,1
295883: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
295885: ACT  : gpio,12,0
295887: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
295891: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
295901: Command: publish
295907: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
295920: Command: publish
295976: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
295977: EVENT: import#current=0.00
296772: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
296773: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
296872: IMPT : [import#target] : 100.00
296873: EVENT: import#target=100.00
296973: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
296973: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
296986: ACT  : gpio,5,1
296989: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
296992: ACT  : gpio,5,0
296993: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
296998: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
297009: Command: publish
297015: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
297028: Command: publish
297173: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
297174: EVENT: import#current=100.00
297271: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
297272: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
297973: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
297974: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
298171: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
298172: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
298178: ACT  : gpio,12,1
298179: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
298182: ACT  : gpio,12,0
298183: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
298188: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
298198: Command: publish
298204: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
298218: Command: publish
298272: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
298273: EVENT: import#current=0.00
298572: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
298572: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
299471: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
299472: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
299481: ACT  : gpio,5,1
299483: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
299486: ACT  : gpio,5,0
299487: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
299492: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
299502: Command: publish
299508: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
299521: Command: publish
299673: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
299673: EVENT: import#current=100.00
299771: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
299772: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
300574: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
300582: ACT  : gpio,12,1
300584: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
300587: ACT  : gpio,12,0
300588: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
300592: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
300603: Command: publish
300609: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
300621: Command: publish
300641: WD   : Uptime 5 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 17672
300672: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
300673: EVENT: import#current=0.00
300772: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
300772: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
301772: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
301773: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
301872: IMPT : [import#target] : 100.00
301873: EVENT: import#target=100.00
301976: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
301977: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
301989: ACT  : gpio,5,1
301990: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
301993: ACT  : gpio,5,0
301994: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
301999: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
302012: Command: publish
302018: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
302030: Command: publish
302092: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
302093: EVENT: import#current=100.00
302171: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
302172: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
302872: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
302873: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
302972: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
302973: EVENT: import#target=0.00
303072: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
303073: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
303078: ACT  : gpio,12,1
303080: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
303083: ACT  : gpio,12,0
303084: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
303088: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
303099: Command: publish
303105: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
303118: Command: publish
303273: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
303273: EVENT: import#current=0.00
303372: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
303372: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
304471: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
304472: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
304481: ACT  : gpio,5,1
304483: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
304486: ACT  : gpio,5,0
304487: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
304492: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
304502: Command: publish
304508: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
304521: Command: publish
304573: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
304574: EVENT: import#current=100.00
304672: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
304672: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
305473: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
305474: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
305480: ACT  : gpio,12,1
305484: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
305487: ACT  : gpio,12,0
305488: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
305493: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
305503: Command: publish
305509: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
305522: Command: publish
305572: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
305573: EVENT: import#current=0.00
305672: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
305672: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
306572: IMPT : [import#target] : 100.00
306573: EVENT: import#target=100.00
306671: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
306672: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
306681: ACT  : gpio,5,1
306683: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
306686: ACT  : gpio,5,0
306687: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
306691: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
306702: Command: publish
306713: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
306723: Command: publish
306773: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
306773: EVENT: import#current=100.00
307774: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
307775: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
307872: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
307873: EVENT: import#target=0.00
307971: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
307972: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
307982: ACT  : gpio,12,1
307986: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
307989: ACT  : gpio,12,0
307990: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
307995: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
308006: Command: publish
308012: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
308024: Command: publish
308273: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
308273: EVENT: import#current=0.00
308371: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
308372: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
309671: IMPT : [import#target] : 100.00
309672: EVENT: import#target=100.00
309771: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
309772: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
309781: ACT  : gpio,5,1
309784: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
309787: ACT  : gpio,5,0
309789: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
309793: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
309804: Command: publish
309813: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
309824: Command: publish
309873: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
309873: EVENT: import#current=100.00
310172: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
310173: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
311273: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
311274: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
311280: ACT  : gpio,12,1
311282: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
311285: ACT  : gpio,12,0
311286: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
311291: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
311301: Command: publish
311307: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
311323: Command: publish
311374: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
311374: EVENT: import#current=0.00
311474: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
311474: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
312473: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
312473: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
312482: ACT  : gpio,5,1
312484: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
312487: ACT  : gpio,5,0
312488: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
312493: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
312503: Command: publish
312509: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
312522: Command: publish
312673: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
312673: EVENT: import#current=100.00
312771: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
312772: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
313372: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
313373: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
313378: ACT  : gpio,12,1
313380: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
313383: ACT  : gpio,12,0
313384: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
313388: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
313399: Command: publish
313406: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
313418: Command: publish
313473: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
313474: EVENT: import#current=0.00
313772: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
313772: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
314371: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
314372: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
314381: ACT  : gpio,5,1
314385: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
314388: ACT  : gpio,5,0
314389: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
314394: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
314404: Command: publish
314411: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
314423: Command: publish
314573: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
314573: EVENT: import#current=100.00
314671: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
314672: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
315773: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
315774: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
315780: ACT  : gpio,12,1
315782: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
315785: ACT  : gpio,12,0
315786: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
315791: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
315801: Command: publish
315807: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
315819: Command: publish
315873: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
315873: EVENT: import#current=0.00
315971: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
315972: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
316772: IMPT : [import#target] : 100.00
316773: EVENT: import#target=100.00
316871: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
316872: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
316881: ACT  : gpio,5,1
316885: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
316888: ACT  : gpio,5,0
316890: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
316894: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
316905: Command: publish
316911: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
316923: Command: publish
316973: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
316974: EVENT: import#current=100.00
317673: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
317673: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
317773: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
317773: EVENT: import#target=0.00
317875: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
317875: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
317881: ACT  : gpio,12,1
317885: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
317888: ACT  : gpio,12,0
317890: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
317895: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
317905: Command: publish
317911: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
317924: Command: publish
318674: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
318674: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
318684: ACT  : gpio,5,1
318688: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
318691: ACT  : gpio,5,0
318692: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
318697: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
318707: Command: publish
318714: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
318726: Command: publish
318873: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
318874: EVENT: import#current=100.00
318971: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
318972: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
319380: ACT  : gpio,12,1
319382: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
319385: ACT  : gpio,12,0
319386: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
319391: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
319401: Command: publish
319409: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
319422: Command: publish
319474: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
319475: EVENT: import#current=0.00
319674: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
319675: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
319974: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
319975: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
320672: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
320673: EVENT: import#target=0.00
320771: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
320772: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
320778: ACT  : gpio,12,1
320782: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
320785: ACT  : gpio,12,0
320786: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
320791: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
320801: Command: publish
320807: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
320820: Command: publish
320873: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
320874: EVENT: import#current=0.00
321772: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
321772: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
321872: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
321873: EVENT: import#target=0.00
321973: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
321974: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
321984: ACT  : gpio,12,1
321987: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
321990: ACT  : gpio,12,0
321991: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
321996: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
322007: Command: publish
322013: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
322026: Command: publish
322488: ACT  : gpio,5,0
322489: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
322494: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
322504: Command: publish
322511: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
322524: Command: publish
322573: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
322574: EVENT: import#current=100.00
322772: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
322772: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
322871: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
322872: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
322972: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
322972: EVENT: import#target=0.00
323582: ACT  : gpio,5,1
323584: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
323587: ACT  : gpio,5,0
323588: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
323593: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
323605: Command: publish
323611: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
323624: Command: publish
323674: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
323675: EVENT: import#current=100.00
323873: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
323874: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
323973: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
323974: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
324674: IMPT : [import#target] : 100.00
324675: EVENT: import#target=100.00
324774: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
324775: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
324784: ACT  : gpio,5,1
324786: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
324789: ACT  : gpio,5,0
324790: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
324794: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
324805: Command: publish
324811: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
324824: Command: publish
324873: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
324873: EVENT: import#current=100.00
325072: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
325073: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
328772: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
328773: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
328972: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
328973: EVENT: import#target=0.00
329072: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
329072: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
329078: ACT  : gpio,12,1
329080: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
329083: ACT  : gpio,12,0
329084: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
329088: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
329099: Command: publish
329104: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
329115: Command: publish
329173: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
329173: EVENT: import#current=0.00
329472: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
329473: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
330372: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
330381: ACT  : gpio,5,1
330383: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
330386: ACT  : gpio,5,0
330387: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
330392: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
330402: Command: publish
330408: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
330421: Command: publish
330573: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
330574: EVENT: import#current=100.00
330641: WD   : Uptime 6 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 17648
330671: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
330672: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
331671: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
331672: EVENT: import#target=0.00
331773: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
331774: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
331780: ACT  : gpio,12,1
331784: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
331787: ACT  : gpio,12,0
331788: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
331793: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
331804: Command: publish
331810: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
331822: Command: publish
331873: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
331874: EVENT: import#current=0.00
332772: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
332772: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
332872: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
332872: EVENT: import#target=0.00
332971: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
332972: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
332978: ACT  : gpio,12,1
332979: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
332982: ACT  : gpio,12,0
332987: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
332994: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
333005: Command: publish
333013: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
333026: Command: publish
4723: WIFI : DHCP IP: (SonoffDual-0) GW: SN:   duration: 36 ms
4724: EVENT: WiFi#Connected
4737: Webserver: start
4764: IMPT : MQTT 037 Intentional reconnect
5041: IMPT : Connected to MQTT broker with Client ID=SonoffDual-Import   
5042: EVENT: MQTTimport#Connected
5063: IMPT : [import#moving] subscribed to SonoffDual/statePosition
5065: IMPT : [import#time] subscribed to SonoffDual/time
5069: IMPT : [import#target] subscribed to SonoffDual/targetPosition
5076: IMPT : [import#current] subscribed to SonoffDual/currentPosition
5079: MQTT : Intentional reconnect
5102: MQTT : Connected to broker with client ID: ESPClient_DC:4F:22:80:3D:01
5105: Subscribed to: /SonoffDual/#
5107: EVENT: MQTT#Connected
30610: WD   : Uptime 1 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 17784
60610: WD   : Uptime 1 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 17784
70380: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
70381: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
81180: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
81180: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
81186: ACT  : gpio,12,1
81187: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
81190: ACT  : gpio,12,0
81191: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
81196: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
81206: Command: publish
81212: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
81222: Command: publish
81381: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
81381: EVENT: import#current=0.00
81479: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
81480: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
82779: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
82780: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
82789: ACT  : gpio,5,1
82791: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
82794: ACT  : gpio,5,0
82795: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
82799: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
82810: Command: publish
82818: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
82830: Command: publish
82981: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
82982: EVENT: import#current=100.00
83079: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
83080: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
85180: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
85181: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
85280: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
85281: EVENT: import#target=0.00
85379: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
85380: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
85386: ACT  : gpio,12,1
85387: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
85390: ACT  : gpio,12,0
85391: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
85396: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
85406: Command: publish
85413: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
85423: Command: publish
85581: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
85582: EVENT: import#current=0.00
85680: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
85681: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
87081: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
87082: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
87091: ACT  : gpio,5,1
87093: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
87096: ACT  : gpio,5,0
87097: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
87102: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
87115: Command: publish
87121: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
87133: Command: publish
87182: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
87183: EVENT: import#current=100.00
87279: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
87280: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
90081: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
90081: EVENT: import#target=0.00
90179: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
90179: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
90187: ACT  : gpio,12,1
90189: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
90191: ACT  : gpio,12,0
90193: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
90197: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
90208: Command: publish
90214: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
90228: Command: publish
90280: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
90281: EVENT: import#current=0.00
90580: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
90580: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
90610: WD   : Uptime 2 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 17784
92079: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
92080: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
92089: ACT  : gpio,5,1
92091: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
92093: ACT  : gpio,5,0
92095: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
92099: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
92109: Command: publish
92116: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
92130: Command: publish
92181: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
92181: EVENT: import#current=100.00
92279: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
92280: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
120610: WD   : Uptime 2 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 17784
121003: Rules : Save rulesSet: 1 currentSet: 1 rules.length(): 384 Write to file: rules1.txt
121006:  Webserver args: 0: 'set' length: 1 1: 'rules' length: 384
126969: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
126970: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
127069: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
127070: EVENT: import#target=0.00
127168: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
127169: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
127175: ACT  : gpio,12,1
127176: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
127179: ACT  : Delay 1000
127188: Command: delay
128192: ACT  : gpio,12,0
128194: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
128199: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
128209: Command: publish
128215: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
128227: Command: publish
128261: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
128262: EVENT: import#current=0.00
128360: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
128361: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
138461: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
138462: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
138661: IMPT : [import#target] : 100.00
138662: EVENT: import#target=100.00
138762: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
138763: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
138772: ACT  : gpio,5,1
138775: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
138778: ACT  : Delay 1000
138789: Command: delay
139791: ACT  : gpio,5,0
139793: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
139799: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
139809: Command: publish
139817: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
139829: Command: publish
139854: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
139855: EVENT: import#current=100.00
139954: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
139955: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
143455: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
143456: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
143554: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
143554: EVENT: import#target=0.00
143653: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
143654: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
143659: ACT  : gpio,12,1
143661: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
143664: ACT  : Delay 1000
143673: Command: delay
144677: ACT  : gpio,12,0
144679: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
144684: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
144694: Command: publish
144700: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
144712: Command: publish
144752: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
144753: EVENT: import#current=0.00
144850: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
144850: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
146950: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
146951: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
147050: IMPT : [import#target] : 100.00
147051: EVENT: import#target=100.00
147149: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
147150: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
147159: ACT  : gpio,5,1
147161: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
147164: ACT  : Delay 1000
147173: Command: delay
148175: ACT  : gpio,5,0
148177: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
148183: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
148193: Command: publish
148201: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
148213: Command: publish
148238: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
148239: EVENT: import#current=100.00
148337: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
148337: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
150610: WD   : Uptime 3 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 17784
152737: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
152738: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
152838: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
152839: EVENT: import#target=0.00
152942: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
152943: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
152949: ACT  : gpio,12,1
152954: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
152957: ACT  : Delay 1000
152967: Command: delay
153970: ACT  : gpio,12,0
153972: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
153977: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
153987: Command: publish
153992: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
154005: Command: publish
154044: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
154044: EVENT: import#current=0.00
154245: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
154245: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
159143: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
159144: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
159243: IMPT : [import#target] : 100.00
159244: EVENT: import#target=100.00
159345: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
159346: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
159355: ACT  : gpio,5,1
159359: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
159363: ACT  : Delay 1000
159373: Command: delay
160375: ACT  : gpio,5,0
160377: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
160382: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
160393: Command: publish
160399: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
160411: Command: publish
160437: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
160438: EVENT: import#current=100.00
160535: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
160535: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
165435: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
165436: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
165536: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
165537: EVENT: import#target=0.00
165634: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
165635: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
165641: ACT  : gpio,12,1
165642: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
165645: ACT  : Delay 1000
165654: Command: delay
166658: ACT  : gpio,12,0
166660: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
166665: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
166675: Command: publish
166681: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
166693: Command: publish
166733: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
166733: EVENT: import#current=0.00
166928: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
166928: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
169724: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
169725: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
169927: IMPT : [import#target] : 100.00
169928: EVENT: import#target=100.00
170024: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
170025: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
170034: ACT  : gpio,5,1
170036: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
170039: ACT  : Delay 1000
170048: Command: delay
171050: ACT  : gpio,5,0
171052: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
171057: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
171068: Command: publish
171073: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
171086: Command: publish
171116: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
171117: EVENT: import#current=100.00
171215: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
171216: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
174315: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
174316: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
174415: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
174415: EVENT: import#target=0.00
174514: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
174515: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
174521: ACT  : gpio,12,1
174522: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
174525: ACT  : Delay 1000
174534: Command: delay
175537: ACT  : gpio,12,0
175539: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
175544: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
175555: Command: publish
175560: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
175572: Command: publish
175612: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
175613: EVENT: import#current=0.00
175709: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
175710: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
180613: WD   : Uptime 3 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 17784
180710: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
180711: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
180910: IMPT : [import#target] : 100.00
180911: EVENT: import#target=100.00
181011: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
181012: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
181021: ACT  : gpio,5,1
181023: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
181026: ACT  : Delay 1000
181036: Command: delay
182038: ACT  : gpio,5,0
182040: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
182045: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
182056: Command: publish
182061: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
182074: Command: publish
182102: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
182103: EVENT: import#current=100.00
182201: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
182201: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
186201: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
186202: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
186501: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
186502: EVENT: import#target=0.00
186600: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
186601: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
186606: ACT  : gpio,12,1
186608: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
186611: ACT  : Delay 1000
186620: Command: delay
187623: ACT  : gpio,12,0
187625: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
187630: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
187640: Command: publish
187646: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
187658: Command: publish
187693: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
187693: EVENT: import#current=0.00
187889: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
187890: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
190490: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
190490: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
190590: IMPT : [import#target] : 100.00
190591: EVENT: import#target=100.00
190689: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
190690: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
190699: ACT  : gpio,5,1
190701: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
190704: ACT  : Delay 1000
190713: Command: delay
191715: ACT  : gpio,5,0
191717: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
191723: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
191733: Command: publish
191739: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
191751: Command: publish
191781: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
191781: EVENT: import#current=100.00
191980: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
191981: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
196680: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
196681: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
196780: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
196781: EVENT: import#target=0.00
196879: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
196880: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
196885: ACT  : gpio,12,1
196887: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
196890: ACT  : Delay 1000
196899: Command: delay
197903: ACT  : gpio,12,0
197905: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
197910: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
197920: Command: publish
197926: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
197941: Command: publish
198005: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
198006: EVENT: import#current=0.00
198099: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
198099: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
203199: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
203200: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
203299: IMPT : [import#target] : 100.00
203300: EVENT: import#target=100.00
203400: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
203401: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
203410: ACT  : gpio,5,1
203413: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
203416: ACT  : Delay 1000
203425: Command: delay
204427: ACT  : gpio,5,0
204429: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
204434: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
204445: Command: publish
204450: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
204463: Command: publish
204495: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
204496: EVENT: import#current=100.00
204594: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
204594: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
207796: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
207796: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
207994: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
207995: EVENT: import#target=0.00
208096: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
208097: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
208103: ACT  : gpio,12,1
208107: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
208110: ACT  : Delay 1000
208120: Command: delay
209123: ACT  : gpio,12,0
209125: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
209130: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
209140: Command: publish
209146: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
209158: Command: publish
209290: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
209290: EVENT: import#current=0.00
209388: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
209389: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
210389: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
210390: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
210589: IMPT : [import#target] : 100.00
210590: EVENT: import#target=100.00
210613: WD   : Uptime 4 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 17648
210688: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
210689: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
210698: ACT  : gpio,5,1
210700: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
210703: ACT  : Delay 1000
210712: Command: delay
211714: ACT  : gpio,5,0
211716: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
211721: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
211732: Command: publish
211738: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
211750: Command: publish
211782: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
211782: EVENT: import#current=100.00
211985: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
211985: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
214581: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
214582: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
214681: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
214682: EVENT: import#target=0.00
214780: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
214781: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
214787: ACT  : gpio,12,1
214788: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
214791: ACT  : Delay 1000
214800: Command: delay
215804: ACT  : gpio,12,0
215806: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
215811: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
215821: Command: publish
215827: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
215839: Command: publish
215881: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
215882: EVENT: import#current=0.00
216079: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
216080: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
240613: WD   : Uptime 4 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 17784
241207: Rules : Save rulesSet: 1 currentSet: 1 rules.length(): 402 Write to file: rules1.txt
241210:  Webserver args: 0: 'set' length: 1 1: 'rules' length: 402
247670: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
247671: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
247970: IMPT : [import#target] : 100.00
247971: EVENT: import#target=100.00
248075: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
248075: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
248085: ACT  : gpio,5,1
248087: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
248092: ACT  : Delay 10000
248101: Command: delay
258104: ACT  : gpio,5,0
258106: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 0
258112: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,100
258122: Command: publish
258128: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
258138: Command: publish
258153: EVENT: MQTTimport#Disconnected
258164: IMPT : MQTT 037 Connection lost
258427: IMPT : Connected to MQTT broker with Client ID=SonoffDual-Import   
258428: EVENT: MQTTimport#Connected
258444: IMPT : [import#moving] subscribed to SonoffDual/statePosition
258445: IMPT : [import#time] subscribed to SonoffDual/time
258451: IMPT : [import#target] subscribed to SonoffDual/targetPosition
258458: IMPT : [import#current] subscribed to SonoffDual/currentPosition
270613: WD   : Uptime 5 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 17712
300613: WD   : Uptime 5 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 17712
312007: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
312008: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
330613: WD   : Uptime 6 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 17712
360613: WD   : Uptime 6 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 17712
390613: WD   : Uptime 7 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 17712
420613: WD   : Uptime 7 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 17712
450613: WD   : Uptime 8 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 17712
480613: WD   : Uptime 8 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 17712
482508: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
482509: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
482608: IMPT : [import#target] : 0.00
482609: EVENT: import#target=0.00
482708: IMPT : [import#moving] : 0.00
482708: EVENT: import#moving=0.00
482714: ACT  : gpio,12,1
482716: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 1
482723: ACT  : Delay 10000
482733: Command: delay
492735: ACT  : gpio,12,0
492737: SW   : GPIO 12 Set to 0
492742: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/currentPosition,0
492753: Command: publish
492763: ACT  : Publish SonoffDual/statePosition,2
492775: Command: publish
492816: IMPT : [import#current] : 0.00
492817: EVENT: import#current=0.00
493010: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
493011: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
510613: WD   : Uptime 9 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 17712
540613: WD   : Uptime 9 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 17712
562310: IMPT : [import#time] : 10000.00
562311: EVENT: import#time=10000.00
562410: IMPT : [import#target] : 100.00
562411: EVENT: import#target=100.00
562510: IMPT : [import#moving] : 1.00
562510: EVENT: import#moving=1.00
562520: ACT  : gpio,5,1
562523: SW   : GPIO 5 Set to 1
562529: ACT  : Delay 10000
562539: Command: delay
572583: WD   : Uptime 10 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 18072
572587: EVENT: MQTTimport#Disconnected
572599: IMPT : MQTT 037 Connection lost
572862: IMPT : Connected to MQTT broker with Client ID=SonoffDual-Import   
572863: EVENT: MQTTimport#Connected
572881: IMPT : [import#moving] subscribed to SonoffDual/statePosition
572882: IMPT : [import#time] subscribed to SonoffDual/time
572888: IMPT : [import#target] subscribed to SonoffDual/targetPosition
572894: IMPT : [import#current] subscribed to SonoffDual/currentPosition
572897: MQTT : Connection lost
572900: EVENT: MQTT#Disconnected
572931: MQTT : Connected to broker with client ID: ESPClient_DC:4F:22:80:3D:01
572934: Subscribed to: /SonoffDual/#
572935: EVENT: MQTT#Connected
602583: WD   : Uptime 10 ConnectFailures 2 FreeMem 17600
610465: IMPT : [import#moving] : 2.00
610466: EVENT: import#moving=2.00
626366: IMPT : [import#current] : 100.00
626367: EVENT: import#current=100.00
628466: IMPT : [import#target] : 100.00
628466: EVENT: import#target=100.00
632583: WD   : Uptime 11 ConnectFailures 2 FreeMem 17600
662583: WD   : Uptime 11 ConnectFailures 2 FreeMem 17600
692583: WD   : Uptime 12 ConnectFailures 2 FreeMem 17600
722583: WD   : Uptime 12 ConnectFailures 2 FreeMem 17600
752583: WD   : Uptime 13 ConnectFailures 2 FreeMem 17600
782583: WD   : Uptime 13 ConnectFailures 2 FreeMem 17600
812583: WD   : Uptime 14 ConnectFailures 2 FreeMem 17600
842583: WD   : Uptime 14 ConnectFailures 2 FreeMem 17600
872583: WD   : Uptime 15 ConnectFailures 2 FreeMem 17600
902583: WD   : Uptime 15 ConnectFailures 2 FreeMem 17600
932583: WD   : Uptime 16 ConnectFailures 2 FreeMem 17600
962583: WD   : Uptime 16 ConnectFailures 2 FreeMem 17600
992583: WD   : Uptime 17 ConnectFailures 2 FreeMem 17600
1022583: WD   : Uptime 17 ConnectFailures 2 FreeMem 17600
1052583: WD   : Uptime 18 ConnectFailures 2 FreeMem 17600
1082583: WD   : Uptime 18 ConnectFailures 2 FreeMem 17600
1112583: WD   : Uptime 19 ConnectFailures 2 FreeMem 17600