letscontrolit / ESPEasy

Easy MultiSensor device based on ESP8266/ESP32
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Add formula for battery percentage #2053

Open Grovkillen opened 5 years ago

Grovkillen commented 5 years ago

Given that you power your unit with battery you need to calculate the percentage manually using formula. We should have a smart formula given the max voltage and min voltage of your battery capacity.



clumsy-stefan commented 5 years ago

@Grovkillen I use the analog input for measuring the barr. voltage and then the calibrating stuff from the plugin to translate that in Volts to be transferred to the controller... As the percentage is not a linear function and depending on the battery, wouldn't that be the better way to do it and let the controller decide how good the battery is? Normally you knwo a max load voltage and a min. voltage (for not discharging the battery below a certain point)..

Grovkillen commented 5 years ago

I see what you mean, but for displaying on a display or running headless (which I do) you want to have a rough estimate which I can act on. So maybe even have some events based on System#BatteryLevel or whatever. And yep, it's not linear but for most LiPo batteries it's fairly straight between "100%" and let say "20%"... below that you need to charge it any ways.

So my suggestion is to have a simple "formula" which takes the min and max (static) and compute the percentage using the current voltage level. :)

clumsy-stefan commented 5 years ago

yep, you're right... never thought about connecting a display to a battery unit, as it drains quite some power... I use it "only" for collecting data so far... can run for a month or so on a small lipo sending every 10min...

probably a changed analog plugin specifically for that purpose?

Grovkillen commented 5 years ago

e-ink displays is the future ;)

TD-er commented 5 years ago

Domoticz controller also sends some battery indicator value along with any message, so there is a proper battery indicator useful.

Grovkillen commented 4 years ago

This should be part of release.

TD-er commented 4 years ago

What kind of battery type should we consider when computing the discharge curve? Or just take it linear from the 20 - 80% part of the curve?

Grovkillen commented 4 years ago

Linear is my take on it. 👍