letscontrolit / ESPEasy

Easy MultiSensor device based on ESP8266/ESP32
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Dummy sensor issue #2600

Closed mackowiakp closed 4 years ago

mackowiakp commented 5 years ago

Build 20190827 normal, core 2.5.2. I want to set dummy sensor as temp/hum date type and click on Submit. But it returns to default data type "Single". So I try with type "dual". But the result is the same. That means after clicking "Submit" it still returns to data type "Single". In my meaning it is issue. Of course as workaround I can use two dummy devices and it works properly.

TD-er commented 5 years ago

Was this dummy plugin present in the settings from a previous build, or did you add is as new plugin using only this build?

mackowiakp commented 5 years ago

I have not used dummy sensor before at all. For the first time I try to use it today. Just from menu of build 20190827 I try to setup one.

TD-er commented 5 years ago

OK thanks. I will look at it after diner (I know, late diner here)

It may be related to some changes I made last week to split the webserver code, so if that got broken, some other plugins may be affected too.

mackowiakp commented 5 years ago

Enjoy your dinner !!!

uzi18 commented 5 years ago

@TD-er leave it to me ;)

uzi18 commented 5 years ago

@mackowiakp @TD-er can not reproduce with actual master, code also looks ok.

mackowiakp commented 5 years ago

Maybe it is configuration related problem. My configuration is:

uzi18 commented 5 years ago

ok got it ... now it always return to type SINGLE

uzi18 commented 5 years ago

@TD-er #2601 is ready and tested ;)

uzi18 commented 5 years ago

@mackowiakp dev_ESP8266_4M1M.bin.zip

mackowiakp commented 5 years ago

Still problem. I set dummy sensor as temp/baro, assign names and so on and click on Submit. Device reboot itself. After boot, the situation is as on attached screenshots. All the rest working properly.



mackowiakp commented 5 years ago

Additional info Dummy sensor was create at first position in place of unnecessary longer device. So I revert to build 2190827 and quad dummy sensor exist. So I try to setup it the way I want click on Submit and WEB interface shows me such error:

FS : Error while reading/writing config.dat in 765

After 5 or 6 min device lost WiFi connection, hangs simply. So I removed dummy sensor and will look what happens. Fortunately, I have backup of all files. Because - as they say - "only the real tough guys live without backup"

uzi18 commented 5 years ago

please test on attached file and show me sysinfo page on it

uzi18 commented 5 years ago

It looks like you have problem with flash, so you should erase whole and flash blank bin, next flash test image

waiting for sysinfo data

mackowiakp commented 5 years ago

The test was done with attached custom FW. Ok, re-revert to custom FW. Below json output without dummy sensor

      "Git Build":"",
      "System Libraries":"ESP82xx Core 2.6.0-dev, NONOS SDK 2.2.2-dev(38a443e), LWIP: 2.1.2 PUYA support",
      "Plugin description":" [Normal] [Testing] [Development]",
      "Local Time":"2019-09-06 08:21:26",
      "Unit Number":1,
      "Unit Name":"Salon",
      "Last Boot Cause":"Cold boot",
      "Reset Reason":"Software/System restart",
      "Load LC":1663,
      "CPU Eco Mode":"false",
      "Heap Max Free Block":15016,
      "Heap Fragmentation":9,
      "Free RAM":16568
      "IP Config":"Static",
      "IP Address":"",
      "IP Subnet":"",
      "STA MAC":"84:F3:EB:B7:45:42",
      "DNS 1":"",
      "DNS 1":"",
      "Connected msec":62103,
      "Last Disconnect Reason":1,
      "Last Disconnect Reason str":"(1) Unspecified",
      "Number Reconnects":0,
      "Force WiFi B/G":"false",
      "Restart WiFi Lost Conn":"false",
      "Force WiFi No Sleep":"false",
      "Periodical send Gratuitous ARP":"false",
      "Connection Failure Threshold":0,
         "Type":"Display - 7-segment display",
         "Type":"Environment - DS18b20",
         "Type":"Switch input - Switch",
         "Type":"Switch input - Switch",
         "Type":"Generic - System Info",
         "Type":"Analog input - internal",
         "Type":"Switch input - Switch",

Edit TD-er: I added block tags (tripple backquote) and json as syntax highlighter to improve readability

uzi18 commented 5 years ago

it could be related to flash or core, what is your flash ID?

advanced/sysinfo - copy to github - if remember correctly

mackowiakp commented 5 years ago

The sysinfo You have in post above in json format. But below part of output from Main menu:

Flash Chip ID: Vendor: 0x20 Device: 0x4016
Flash Chip Real Size: 4096 kB
Flash IDE Size: 4096 kB
Flash IDE Speed: 40 MHz
Flash IDE Mode: DOUT
Flash Writes: 0 daily / 0 boot
Sketch Size: 967 kB (2104 kB free)
SPIFFS Size: 934 kB (839 kB free)

Whats concerning erase flash and flash custom FW again it is a little bit complicated for me. The device is installed at a height of 3 m and I need to take a ladder. And while climbing the ladder, hold the laptop at the same time. And I have a fear of space, which is a very big problem for me. Is there an easier way to do the test?

uzi18 commented 5 years ago

thanks, so turn on debug log and check if you get more save errors in log when changing options in dummy? core 2.6.0-dev is not well tested, but some problems are resolved there, we use it now with dev_x build to test it I'm testing now one more time every option and save/submit works as expected - so it could be hardware related.

my sysinfo:

ESP Easy Information
Build:⋄ 20103 - Mega
System Libraries:⋄ ESP82xx Core 2.6.0-dev, NONOS SDK 2.2.2-dev(38a443e), LWIP: 2.1.2 PUYA support
Git Build:⋄
Plugins:⋄ 71 [Normal] [Testing] [Development]
Build Time:⋄ Sep 5 2019 20:20:53
Binary Filename:⋄ Self built!
Flash Chip ID: Vendor: 0xE0 Device: 0x4016
Flash Chip Real Size: 4096 kB
Flash IDE Size: 4096 kB
Flash IDE Speed: 40 MHz
Flash IDE Mode: DIO
Flash Writes: 33 daily / 33 boot
Sketch Size: 967 kB (2104 kB free)
SPIFFS Size: 934 kB (844 kB free)
TD-er commented 5 years ago

What you also could do, is create a new (different) node, update the settings to your liking and then use the new clone feature to copy these settings to the 'distant' node

mackowiakp commented 5 years ago

OK. Its good idea. So I have to buy nodeMCU module because I have not spare one at this moment. Just order today and probably tomorrow will have it.

mackowiakp commented 5 years ago

Sorry. Tomorrow is Saturday. So new unit I will have in Monday.

mackowiakp commented 5 years ago

@uzi18 Below my sysinfo and mode logs (WEB log level set to debug dev)

Build:⋄ 20103 - Mega
System Libraries:⋄ ESP82xx Core 2.6.0-dev, NONOS SDK 2.2.2-dev(38a443e), LWIP: 2.1.2 PUYA support
Git Build:⋄  
Plugins:⋄ 71 [Normal] [Testing] [Development]
Build Time:⋄ Sep 5 2019 20:20:53
Binary Filename:⋄ Self built!
Flash Chip ID: Vendor: 0x20 Device: 0x4016
Flash Chip Real Size: 4096 kB
Flash IDE Size: 4096 kB
Flash IDE Speed: 40 MHz
Flash IDE Mode: DOUT
Flash Writes: 43 daily / 43 boot
Sketch Size: 967 kB (2104 kB free)
SPIFFS Size: 934 kB (839 kB free)
Page size: 256
Block size: 8192
Number of blocks: 116
Maximum open files: 5
Maximum path length: 32


1644144: FS : Error while reading/writing config.dat in 871 1654104: SaveToFile: free stack: 3424 1654109: FS : Error while reading/writing config.dat in 774 1654112: SaveToFile: free stack: 3360 1654175: FILE : Saved config.dat 1654175: SaveToFile: free stack after: 3360 1654186: FS : Error while reading/writing config.dat in 871 1658391: WD : Uptime 28 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 16432 WiFiStatus 3 1663784: SaveToFile: free stack: 3104 1663789: FS : Error while reading/writing config.dat in 774 1663794: SaveToFile: free stack: 3376 1663798: FS : Error while reading/writing config.dat in 774 1663801: SaveToFile: free stack: 3312 1663866: FILE : Saved config.dat 1663867: SaveToFile: free stack after: 3312 1663879: FS : Error while reading/writing config.dat in 871 1664329: EVENT: Clock#Time=Fri,12:52 1664760: Command: delay 1664815: ACT : 7dst,12,52 1664817: 7DGT : Show Time=12:52:0 1664824: ACT : delay,50 1664835: Command: delay 1664887: ACT : GPIO,14,0 1664890: SW : GPIO 14 Set to 0 1664894: ACT : Let,1,1 1664905: Command: let 1667691: DS: SP: 7d,1,4b,46,7f,ff,c,10,3c,OK,7 1667700: DS : Temperature: 23.81 (28-ff-f6-ba-33-18-1-6) 1667704: EVENT: Temp-in#Temperatura-Salon=23.81 1667820: ACT : Let,3,23.81 1667833: Command: let 1667983: Domoticz: Sensortype: 1 idx: 106 values: 23.81 1671108: HTTP: event,LED_off 1671201: EVENT: LED_off 1671316: ACT : GPIO,15,0 1671320: SW : GPIO 15 Set to 0 1672633: Command: delay 1672687: ACT : GPIO,0,0 1672690: SW : GPIO 0 Set to 0 1672693: ACT : Let,1,1 1672704: Command: let 1672710: ACT : timerSet,4,420 1672722: Command: timerset 1672725: ACT : timerSet,7,1800 1672737: Command: timerset 1677497: HTTP: event,set_preassure=1028 1677529: EVENT: set_preassure=1028 1677612: ACT : Let,4,1028 1677624: Command: let 1677629: ACT : timerSet,7,2000 1677640: Command: timerset 1677643: ACT : Let,8,0 1677655: Command: let 1678647: ADC : Analog value: 878 = 878.000 1678653: EVENT: VOC-Salon#VOC-Salon=146.00 1678764: ACT : Let,5,146.00 1678777: Command: let 1678967: Domoticz: Sensortype: 1 idx: 122 values: 146 1688388: WD : Uptime 28 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 16432 WiFiStatus 3

uzi18 commented 5 years ago

@mackowiakp dev_ESP8266_4M1M_2.4.2.bin.zip

mackowiakp commented 5 years ago

Still problem. When I try to define dummy sensor - error FS : Error while reading/writing config.dat in 774

TD-er commented 5 years ago

Does this also happen with changing settings of other plugins? Can you remotely reboot the node? (power cycle) N.B. There is a chance it may not reboot into the same state as it is now, but enter a reboot loop in which it will disable any troubled plugin or controller.

I think the current settings may have been corrupted somehow.

mackowiakp commented 5 years ago

OK, I dismount device from 3m high and now have it on the table. But can not clear flash. I use such command:

esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB1 write_flash --flash_size 4MB --flash_mode dout 0x00000 ESPEasy_mega-20190827/bin/blank_4MB.bin

But there is not communication with nodeMCU. /dev/ttyUSB1 is present (that is port which present when I connect nodeMCU to PC. But maybe problem is with GPIO`s. It is because I use all D (0-8) and RX pin as GPIO input). I removed all rules form unit config - still no communication. So i press "Flash" button before connection to USB - still no communication. What I have to do? Everything - including nodeMCU pins - are solder. Of course I can dis-solder particular pin, but which one?

TD-er commented 5 years ago

You have to make sure GPIO-0 can be pulled to GND to boot into flash mode.

mackowiakp commented 5 years ago

Does this also happen with changing settings of other plugins? Can you remotely reboot the node? (power cycle)

No. If I try to change already existing and working device - I can do it without problems As I wrote, I dismounted unit so I have it on the table.

TD-er commented 5 years ago

You could try to create a new dummy plugin on another position in the device list. Then it will use a different part of the settings file.

Also make sure you have enough free space on the file system. SPIFFS does need at least 2 free blocks and one block does mean 16 (??) consecutive pages of 256 bytes which are not linked to any file. At boot, the garbage collector is run (not on all core versions I think) to try and free pages no longer allocated to a file. This garbage collector is also called after deleting a file.

But you must have either a very fragmented filesystem, or nearly any free space to hit this. It could happen on 1M modules which only have 128k of SPIFFS.

mackowiakp commented 5 years ago

I created dummy sensor on another position and it was possible without problems !!! My curreny FW is the custom build dev_ESP8266_4M1M_2.4.2. Do You think that previous build, based on 2.6.0 is better to use? I mean about future upgrades.

mackowiakp commented 5 years ago

Its crazy. After power reboot, dummy sensor in device list shows 4 position. Two of them with proper description i setup, other two without descriptions. But device configuration show data type "Single"

TD-er commented 5 years ago

What build are you running? One with a fix?

mackowiakp commented 5 years ago

Yes. @uzi18 sent custom build dev_ESP8266_4M1M_2.4.2. Will try previous one, based on 2.6.0. But for sure I have to clear flash.

uzi18 commented 5 years ago

you can try to format spiffs with factory reset function in advanced tab

mackowiakp commented 5 years ago

OK. I made factory reset without WiFi and net config. But there is the same problem. After power reboot, dummy sensor in device list shows 4 position. Two of them with proper description i setup, other two without descriptions. But device configuration show data type "Single". But no errors during setup

TD-er commented 5 years ago

And after you change the type to something other than "single" and save, is it then showing like you expect it to be?

uzi18 commented 5 years ago

change first all task to None function or. change plugin to. other and then to dummy

mackowiakp commented 5 years ago

And after you change the type to something other than "single" and save, is it then showing like you expect it to be?

Yes, until power on/off reset

change first all task to None function or. change plugin to. other and then to dummy

Still the same. After power reboot, dummy sensor in device list shows 4 position. Two of them with proper description i setup, other two without descriptions. But device configuration show data type "Single". But no errors during setup

uzi18 commented 5 years ago

looks like flash is some kind broken, try to flash blank_4MB.bin and one more time my custom bin

mackowiakp commented 5 years ago

Which one? 2.6.0 or 2.4.2?

mackowiakp commented 5 years ago

But after factory reset I was able to setup dummy sensor on position which preciously shows error in cofig.dat file. Now I use 2.6.0 custom build and all setup goes without errors. Only that one wit "Single" described above.

mackowiakp commented 5 years ago

Still can not communicate with nodeMCU. During boot I connected D3 (GPIO 0) to GND but can not transmit anything.

TD-er commented 5 years ago

If you're using a NodeMCU, then it should have a "flash" button, which is safer to use. You should not connect a GPIO pin directly to GND or Vcc, but use a resistor. This to protect the GPIO pin if you try to use it as an output pin and force high or low while pulling it strongly to GND or Vcc.

I assume GPIO2 is pulled high and GPIO-15 pulled low, or else it would not boot to ESPeasy. With those pulled to the right state, it should boot into flash mode if you reset it. Make sure you also reset the unit while pressing the flash button.

mackowiakp commented 5 years ago

I try to use flash button. Result the same.

mackowiakp commented 5 years ago

I think that there is something wrong with this paticular nodeMCU module I have. Monday, Tuesday I will have new one and then will try, Generally is working but......

mackowiakp commented 5 years ago

Brand new device from shop. As the first I install 4M blank img (just in case). Then test buil @uzi18 dev_ESP8266_4M1M. The same error. Dummy device defined as dual data type (Temp/Baro), after power reboot is still quad data type. And data type in device config is single. The only thing I defined so far are static IP config, NTP server and this dummy sensor. Below unit details and screenshots

ESP Board

ESP Chip ID: | 14901938 (0xE362B2) ESP Chip Frequency: | 80 MHz ESP Board Name: | PLATFORMIO_ESP12E Storage Flash Chip ID: | Vendor: 0x68 Device: 0x4016 Flash Chip Real Size: | 4096 kB Flash IDE Size: | 4096 kB Flash IDE Speed: | 40 MHz Flash IDE Mode: | DOUT Flash Writes: | 0 daily / 0 boot Sketch Size: | 967 kB (2104 kB free) SPIFFS Size: | 934 kB (844 kB free) Page size: | 256 Block size: | 8192 Number of blocks: | 116 Maximum open files: | 5 Maximum path length: | 32




uzi18 commented 5 years ago

do you have config write errors?

mackowiakp commented 5 years ago

No. Any kind of errors or warning was no raported.

xztraz commented 4 years ago

This is still a problem. can't use more than one dummy device if you want different types.

TD-er commented 4 years ago

This is still a problem. can't use more than one dummy device if you want different types.

Yep that's still an issue.