letscontrolit / ESPEasy

Easy MultiSensor device based on ESP8266/ESP32
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controller publish eps32 #3056

Closed tiruds76 closed 4 years ago

tiruds76 commented 4 years ago

hello everyone I am a beginner and I installed a PIR sensor HC-SR501 a wemos mini d1 esp32, everything works with espeasy everything works well for the moment, on the other hand to add it to my box domotic jeedom, it is well recognized also with espeasy plugin but in espeasy mega it does not want to register my controller publish command which is: device=%sysname%&taskid=%id%&cmd=%valname%&value=%value%, when i click on sumit it only keeps: device=%sysname% i don't know why. Thank you in advance for your help.

TD-er commented 4 years ago

Where are you placing this string?

And what build are you using? It sounds like a report I had about a week ago where it appeared someone was using a really old build for ESP32. So please check you're using one of the most recent builds (N.B. 20200424 does not work for ESP32, please try one older)

tiruds76 commented 4 years ago

I can only flash with the epseasy 32 R20100 version. The command is placed in controller setting then controller publish as requested in the tutorials: https://projetsdiy.fr/plugin-espeasy-iot-jeedom/

I am on a wemos d1 mini esp32 the flash with the esp8266 versions does not work it always says flash failed.

TD-er commented 4 years ago

That R20100 version is indeed the same ancient version as in a similar report of about a week ago. It has been fixed in the newer builds.

I made you a new build based on the current state of the mega branch, so even newer than the last nightly builds.

The -factory.bin file is one that must be flashed on blank units, or at least one that hasn't had a recent version installed. The offset to write should be set to 0 and no other bin files are needed to flash it.

The .bin file without -factory is the kind of file you need to flash via OTA (via the web interface) Right now, you should only use the factory bin, as you don't have anything flashed on the node.

Please note that this build also has a different flash layout, so all settings will be lost when you flash this build.

tiruds76 commented 4 years ago

hello and thank you for your work I did a reset via arduino of my wemos d1 but I can't flash with your version which software used for falsh? I tried by putting the file in the folder of: ESPEasy_mega-20200426 but it does not want and the same with ESPEasy32_R20100

TD-er commented 4 years ago

You can use the tool linked here Just use the file with -factory.bin and set the offset (right colomn) to 0.

tiruds76 commented 4 years ago

everything is working well now a huge thank you you are a hero. :) DANK U

TD-er commented 4 years ago

Graag gedaan :)