letscontrolit / ESPEasy

Easy MultiSensor device based on ESP8266/ESP32
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ESP32&mega-20220427 possible P095 broken tft commands support. #4060

Closed sobolkz closed 1 year ago

sobolkz commented 2 years ago

Hi all! Due to updating my old project for Air Quality Sensor I'm trying to create new one with ESP32 and Color TFT 2.4 ILI9341 Wemos shield. First one was maked at mega-20220328 version - look's good and work. But when I was upgrade firmware to latest mega-20220427 display issue was expected. Due to my way display was used with native "tftXXX" commands and it's update information with 4 screens each 10 seconds by cycle. As I see new firmware include new version of P095 plugin with new functionality, but this functionality looks buggy instead old one - native plugin "tftXXX" commands isn't working now. But, as I see in log - all was good, "rules" code work as designed. "ili9341" type of new plugin was also tested- static text can be displayed. Is it possible to fix this issue?