letscontrolit / ESPEasy

Easy MultiSensor device based on ESP8266/ESP32
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I2C & Nextion #4588

Open betux69 opened 1 year ago

betux69 commented 1 year ago


I would like to use a touch screen with i2C. I work on nextion but it's tx/rx and it doesn't to exist with I2C. Do you have an other touch screen support by espeasy ?


tonhuisman commented 1 year ago

The only currently supported touchscreen is the XPT2048 in plugin P099 included in the Display and MAX builds, but that uses the SPI interface. It is often mounted on ILI934x/ILI948x TFT displays using plugin P095 that also use the SPI interface. For I2C touchscreen support there is an open PR #4016 to support the FT6xxx touch modules (plugin P123), that can be found on the WT32-SC01 units (3.5" screen) and M5Stack M5Core2 units (2" screen) (and probably some other M5Stack units).

I've also planned to support the GT911 touchscreen, connected via I2C, as available in the TTGO Lily Pi ESP32 (3.5" screen), that's going to get the same configuration options as P123, which is also to be made available for P099, but this is all still in the planning phase 😅.

betux69 commented 1 year ago

thanks for your answer. Question : How many tx/tr component can i use on esp8266 ?

tonhuisman commented 1 year ago

Question : How many tx/tr component can i use on esp8266 ?

Well, that depends, when disabling the serial log (Uncheck the Enable Serial Port on the Tools/Advanced page, so it can be used for plugins) and using another task configured for Software Serial, you can have 2 devices using serial, but combining multiple Nextion tasks, with Software Serial can possibly exhaust the resources (both memory and CPU) of an ESP8266. see the docs There is also the option of using an I2C serial board (usually has 2 channels). But still the limitation of resources can be an issue.

TD-er commented 1 year ago

ESP8266 does have 2 hardware serial ports, however "Serial1" is "TX-only" so hardly ever usable. If you need upto 3 HW serial ports, I suggest looking for ESP32. ESPEasy also supports the NXP SC16IS752 chip, which does have 2 HW serial ports and is connected to ESPEasy via I2C. Everywhere in ESPEasy where you can select a serial port, you can also select such an I2C port.

betux69 commented 1 year ago

Thanks. I'm going to try nextion screen with max rs232 both rx/tx to pilot my epson projector.