letscontrolit / ESPEasy

Easy MultiSensor device based on ESP8266/ESP32
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Such a problem occurs when using platformio to compile firmware #4706

Closed qiudecai closed 10 months ago

qiudecai commented 1 year ago

I recently encountered such a problem when using platformio to compile firmware, I don't know where I went wrong, and I don't know how to solve it

Processing normal_ESP32_4M316k (board: esp32_4M; platform: C:\Users\qdc.platformio\platforms\espressif32; framework: arduino) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Verbose mode can be enabled via -v, --verbose option Compile time defines File System: SPIFFS PROGNAME: ESP_Easy_mega_20230616_normal_ESP32_4M316k BOARD_NAME: Espressif Generic ESP32 4M Flash ESPEasy 1810k Code/OTA 316k FS BUILD_PLATFORM: Windows-10-10.0.19044-SP0 GIT_HEAD: pygit2_not_installed CDN_URL: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/letscontrolit/ESPEasy/static/ BUILD_VERSION: 20502 BUILD_UNIXTIME: 1686924875 BUILD_RFC1123: Fri, 16 Jun 2023 14:14:35 GMT

Flash configuration --flash-size: 4MB --flash-freq: 40000000L --flash-mode: dio memory_type: dio_qspi CONFIGURATION: https://docs.platformio.org/page/boards/espressif32/esp32_4M.html PLATFORM: Espressif 32 (6.3.1) > Espressif Generic ESP32 4M Flash ESPEasy 1810k Code/OTA 316k FS HARDWARE: ESP32 240MHz, 320KB RAM, 1.81MB Flash DEBUG: Current (cmsis-dap) External (cmsis-dap, esp-bridge, esp-prog, iot-bus-jtag, jlink, minimodule, olimex-arm-usb-ocd, olimex-arm-usb-ocd-h, olimex-arm-usb-tiny-h, olimex-jtag-tiny, tumpa) PACKAGES:

Environment Status Duration

normal_ESP32_4M316k FAILED 00:00:57.042 ========================================== 1 failed, 0 succeeded in 00:00:57.042 ==========================================

tonhuisman commented 1 year ago

You seem to have downloaded the source .zip from the 20230508 release of ESPEasy. Since then, PlatformIO has changed some internals (keyword: scons) that cause the python scripts we use, to break on the build. These issues have been fixed on the mega branch, so if you use that up-to-date source your build should succeed.

We also have a Developers guide, that includes instructions for creating a Custom build. For regular builds like normal, there is no reason to create your own builds, they are all included in the downloadable .zip files.

qiudecai commented 1 year ago

I want to compile the previous project firmware, what do I need to do?

tonhuisman commented 1 year ago

I want to compile the previous project firmware, what do I need to do?

While that's not a desirable or advisable option, you should be able to do that by downgrading PlatformIO to v6.1.6 or older, as from PlatformIO v6.1.7 the SCons package has been updated to a version that caused these issues.

Solid advice: Get the latest mega sources, as that will soon be the next release version of ESPEasy. And like any OSS project: The latest is the greatest (and the only supported release...).

Just being curious: What is the reasoning to try and build an older release?

qiudecai commented 1 year ago

Thank you! The problem is solved and I tried modifying the tools\pio\generate-compiletime-defines.py file

qiudecai commented 1 year ago

Build an old release because I've been using it before

chemmex commented 1 year ago

Just being curious: What is the reasoning to try and build an older release?

I stick to older releases for ESP8266 because latest ones do not start AP in case of WiFi misconfiguration or network absence, thus making re-provisioning impossible.

chemmex commented 1 year ago

Thank you! The problem is solved and I tried modifying the tools\pio\generate-compiletime-defines.py file

Can you share your modifications please?

tonhuisman commented 1 year ago

Can you share your modifications please?

This commit has the relevant changes (quite minor, but crucial 😅)

TD-er commented 1 year ago

Can you share your modifications please?

This commit has the relevant changes (quite minor, but crucial 😅)

Not only 'crucial', but also took me > 10h to find and fix...

qiudecai commented 1 year ago

This is after I modified generate-compiletime-defines.zip

qiudecai commented 1 year ago

I replaced it from the latest mega download

chemmex commented 1 year ago

Oh, thanks. One never knows how much effort hides behind a small bugfix or update

tonhuisman commented 10 months ago

This issue can be closed, as it is solved. The issue mentioned by chemmex is already registered as a separate issue.