letscontrolit / ESPEasy

Easy MultiSensor device based on ESP8266/ESP32
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Feature request. Selectable rulesets. #659

Open Budman1758 opened 6 years ago

Budman1758 commented 6 years ago

The ability to select a different set of rules would be a nice feature. My example is an irrigation controller that uses different rules for a summer vs winter schedule. I'm sure there are other valid examples. In other words a simple way to turn on or off each rules page much like devices have an "enable" tick box. This seems to be a popular idea on the forum.

Obviously one can change the rules by cut and paste but a simple way to "throw a switch" would be a nice addition. There are 4 "pages" of rules so I envision a tick box on each page that enables or disables them.

TD-er commented 6 years ago

That would be a nice feature indeed, to enable/disable rules. I think the enabled/disabled mode of rules can also be used to dynamically switch them. For example enable/disabling them from other rules (time/date based) or based on communication from message brokers (e.g. MQTT) Then you can enable a chain of rules by a single event, like "no-one at home, start ventilating house" or something like that.

Grovkillen commented 6 years ago

It's a great idea. More info on the forum: https://www.letscontrolit.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3911

psy0rz commented 6 years ago

sounds good indeed :)

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