letscontrolit / ESPEasy

Easy MultiSensor device based on ESP8266/ESP32
3.22k stars 2.2k forks source link

Error compiling mega mega-20180124 #769

Closed itProfi closed 6 years ago

itProfi commented 6 years ago

Hello, when i try compiling from source in PlatfprmIO, i get errors: Project ESPEasy .github dist lib src CPlugin.ino NPlugin.ino Plugin.ino ReleaseNotes.ino _C001.ino _C002.ino _C003.ino _C004.ino _C005.ino _C006.ino _C007.ino _C008.ino _C009.ino _C010.ino _C011.ino _N001_Email.ino _N002_Buzzer.ino _P001_Switch.ino _P002_ADC.ino _P003_Pulse.ino _P004_Dallas.ino _P005_DHT.ino _P006_BMP085.ino _P007_PCF8591.ino _P008_RFID.ino _P009_MCP.ino _P010_BH1750.ino _P011_PME.ino _P012_LCD.ino _P013_HCSR04.ino _P014_SI7021.ino _P015_TSL2561.ino _P016_IR.ino _P017_PN532.ino _P018_Dust.ino _P019_PCF8574.ino _P020_Ser2Net.ino _P021_Level.ino _P022_PCA9685.ino _P023_OLED.ino _P024_MLX90614.ino _P025_ADS1115.ino _P026_Sysinfo.ino _P027_INA219.ino _P028_BME280.ino _P029_Output.ino _P030_BMP280.ino _P031_SHT1X.ino _P032_MS5611.ino _P033_Dummy.ino _P034_DHT12.ino _P035_IRTX.ino _P036_FrameOLED.ino _P037_MQTTImport.ino _P038_NeoPixel.ino _P039_Thermocouple.ino _P040_ID12.ino _P041_NeoClock.ino _P042_Candle.ino _P043_ClkOutput.ino _P044_P1WifiGateway.ino _P045_MPU6050.ino _P046_VentusW266.ino _P047_i2c-soil-moisture-sensor.ino _P048_Motorshield_v2.ino _P049_MHZ19.ino _P050_TCS34725.ino _P051_AM2320.ino _P052_SenseAir.ino _P053_PMSx003.ino _P054_DMX512.ino _P055_Chiming.ino _P056_SDS011-Dust.ino _P057_HT16K33_LED.ino _P058_HT16K33_KeyPad.ino _P059_Encoder.ino _P060_MCP3221.ino _P061_KeyPad.ino _P062_MPR121_KeyPad.ino _P063_TTP229_KeyPad.ino _P064_APDS9960.ino _P065_DRF0299_MP3.ino _P066_VEML6040.ino _P067_HX711_Load_Cell.ino _P068_SHT3x.ino _P069_LM75A.ino _P070_NeoPixel_Clock.ino _P071_Kamstrup401.ino _P072_HDC1080.ino _P073_7DGT.ino _P074_TSL2591.ino _Reporting.ino Command.ino Controller.ino Dialog_Plain_12_font.h ESPEasy.ino ESPEasyTimeTypes.h Hardware.ino Misc.ino Networking.ino OLED_SSD1306_images.h OLED_SSD1306_SH1106_images.h Serial.ino TimeESPeasy.ino TimeZoneESPeasy.ino WebServer.ino Wifi.ino test .atom-build.yml .gitignore .gitmodules .travis.yml before_deploy License.txt memanalyzer.py platformio.ini README.md release releasebot Welcome A hackable text editor for the 21st Century

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9.4 s platformio run --environment dev_ESP8266_4096 static inline uint8_t pgm_read_byte_inlined(const void addr) { ^ D:/!Git/ESPEasy/src/Misc.ino: In function 'uint32_t progMemMD5check()': D:/!Git/ESPEasy/src/Misc.ino:1549:63: warning: pointer of type 'void ' used in arithmetic [-Wpointer-arith] { ^ C:\users\user.platformio\packages\framework-arduinoespressif8266\cores\esp8266/pgmspace.h:123:68: note: in definition of macro 'pgm_read_dword'

define pgm_read_dword(addr) (reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t>(addr))

^ Compiling .pioenvs\dev_ESP8266_4096\FrameworkArduino\Tone.o Compiling .pioenvs\dev_ESP8266_4096\FrameworkArduino\Updater.o Compiling .pioenvs\dev_ESP8266_4096\FrameworkArduino\WMath.o Compiling .pioenvs\dev_ESP8266_4096\FrameworkArduino\WString.o Compiling .pioenvs\dev_ESP8266_4096\FrameworkArduino\abi.o Compiling .pioenvs\dev_ESP8266_4096\FrameworkArduino\base64.o *** [.pioenvs\dev_ESP8266_4096\src\ESPEasy.ino.o] Error 1 [ERROR] Took 8.45 seconds Environment dev_ESP8266_4096 [ERROR] [ERROR] Took 8.46 seconds

[SUMMARY] Environment normal_ESP8266_1024 [SKIP] Environment normal_ESP8266_4096 [SKIP] Environment normal_ESP8285_1024 [SKIP] Environment test_ESP8266_1024 [SKIP] Environment test_ESP8266_4096 [SKIP] Environment test_ESP8285_1024 [SKIP] Environment dev_ESP8266_1024 [SKIP] Environment dev_ESP8285_1024 [SKIP]

What is my mistake?

TD-er commented 6 years ago

What version of the esp8266 library do you use? We only support 2.3.0 currently

itProfi commented 6 years ago

I use 2.4.0 version.... Can you help me install version 2.3.0 correct?

TD-er commented 6 years ago

@Lstt2005 Suggestion from another thread: https://github.com/letscontrolit/ESPEasy/pull/772#issuecomment-360446929

You have to edit the platformio.ini file! change the following key for each build: platform = espressif8266 =>platform = espressif8266@1.5.0

You now force platform I/O to use a specific version. Normally it uses the staging version from github

Edit: Tested it myself and you have to restart PlatformIO after changing the ini file. I just committed it to the v2.0 pull request, so there we are forced to stay on core 2.3.0 Not sure about the Mega branch.

itProfi commented 6 years ago

All Work! Thanks for all!