letsfindaway / OpenBoard

I'm using this fork to contribute features and fixes to the upstream project. In order to create good pull requests, I'm rebasing my feature branches, squashing and reordering commits, etc. If you fork this repository be aware that my development branches may rewrite history without prior notice.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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First screen chrash #149

Closed DinoIsanovic closed 10 months ago

DinoIsanovic commented 10 months ago

After starting the program and clicking on the button proceed OpenBoard closed by self ... After 2. start i canceled operation on first screen and app is working on Ubuntu 23.10 ... Sorry i will try to reinstall Openboard to reproduce this bug....

letsfindaway commented 10 months ago

The only welcome screen of OpenBoard I can think of is the Hints and Tipps:


Do you mean this? If yes, a new installation will not help to reproduce the problem, as the setting on whether to show this screen is stored in the user settings file. But you can:


Is one of these methods reproducing your problem?

DinoIsanovic commented 10 months ago

No at my computer it was something about importing some stuff I cannot remember. And 2 options cancel and proceed and "don't show this message again" i activated that :)

letsfindaway commented 10 months ago

Then I assume it had something to do with the installation and package selection during that process.

Without the detailed message I cannot help much. I think I will close this issue for the time being. If you can reproduce it again then please feel free to open another one, including the message. Make screenshots or copy/paste the message before dismissing ;)