This fixes #83 and prevents the color selection getting stuck, if you back out of it.
Type of change
[x] Bug fix (non breaking change that fixes an issue)
[ ] New feature (non breaking change that adds functionality)
[ ] Tooling (non breaking change that adds functionality to the workflow)
[ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that causes existing functionality to not work as expected)
Start the game and immediately open the menu and go back to the main menu without selecting a color.
The color menu disappears and no longer persists in background behind the main menu.
[x] My code follows the general style guidelines of the project
[x] I have perfomed a self-review of my code
[x] I have commented my code, particulary where it is unclear
This fixes #83 and prevents the color selection getting stuck, if you back out of it.
Type of change
Start the game and immediately open the menu and go back to the main menu without selecting a color. The color menu disappears and no longer persists in background behind the main menu.