letsgetrandy / DICSS

Directly injected CSS
MIT License
1.35k stars 72 forks source link

Here's what you should do. #16

Closed chriseppstein closed 9 years ago

chriseppstein commented 9 years ago

It's hard to admit when you're wrong. So I have take the liberty of writing a proper apology for you.

letsgetrandy commented 9 years ago

Thanks, but it's not up to you to decide what's right or wrong. If I've violated any of Github's terms of service, I'm sure they'll let me know. But until then, I will politely reject your totalitarian imposition of false morals and keep the project up.

Best wishes. And remember, if you don't like a thing, you don't have to support it.

chriseppstein commented 9 years ago

it's not up to you to decide what's right or wrong

What's right and wrong is decided by a society and a culture and enforced both by laws and public critique.

totalitarian imposition of false morals

It's just a pull request dude. So I'm not really imposing anything am I? I just thought I'd make it easy for you to admit your mistake and apologize.

if you don't like a thing, you don't have to support it.

Please remember, that if I don't like a thing, I can not only not support it but also tell you I don't like it and tell everyone I know that they should tell you they don't like it. That's the great thing about free speach, am I right?!

letsgetrandy commented 9 years ago

If you search Twitter, the people who enjoy this seem to far outnumber the few who choose to call it offensive. And among those who enjoy it are several women. So really, I think you would do well to remember that your opinion is only that -- an opinion. It is not a fact, and you do not speak for everyone.

Please feel free to dislike my sense of humor. And feel free to tell all your friends to come here and check out how terrible my project is... As you may have figured out by now, I enjoy the attention. You're only helping DICSS to become the most popular Javascript project on Github today, so by all means keep it up.

The best way to make things go away is to ignore them. Maybe instead of wasting your time and attention on fighting with one silly guy on the internet, you could be using all that vim and vigor to create a project that is more interesting, more useful, more popular, or even just more funny than mine.

scottkellum commented 9 years ago

I’d like for this issue to be re-opened. I have the same issue and it hasn’t been resolved.

mbleigh commented 9 years ago

:+1: lgtm, I have this issue as well.

neagle commented 9 years ago

I have this issue, too.

scottkellum commented 9 years ago

more interesting, more useful, more popular, or even just more funny than mine

Pretty sure Chris has you beat on all these points, @letsgetrandy

alecperkins commented 9 years ago

+1, the sexually violent language is a really frustrating bug.

chriseppstein commented 9 years ago

among those who enjoy it are several women

Several?! Wow. My mistake, then. As long as a few women found it funny, who gives a shit what the others thought.

I enjoy the attention.

I get it. You're a bro. You're a troll. You think that it's fun to ruffle feathers. You don't care if you hurt people as long as you get your lulz.

The best way to make things go away is to ignore them.

Of course, all this attention means people will keep using this amazing technology for years to come.

you do not speak for everyone.

Actually, there was a straw pull and I drew the short straw and had to be the one who to tell you your business.

helenvholmes commented 9 years ago

+1 echoing everyone above me that I have this issue too.

allypalanzi commented 9 years ago

+1, jokes about sexual violence are not funny.

manikrathee commented 9 years ago


PendragonDevelopment commented 9 years ago

:+1: As someone who helps organize several womens group, I can report this bug exists in several ecosystems, and I'm happy to help close such issues.

mikowitz commented 9 years ago


HipsterBrown commented 9 years ago

+1 To reopen the PR and fix this bug.

zacharydanger commented 9 years ago

:+1:, but the tests no longer pass.

daneden commented 9 years ago


LightGuard commented 9 years ago


jedmund commented 9 years ago

+1 (edited just for you @mdo, but I sincerely hope you guys actually do something about this)

mdo commented 9 years ago

@jedmund Further insults doesn't solve anything. Please try to keep the community response positive.

junkinakayama commented 9 years ago


sivakumar-kailasam commented 9 years ago


erakor commented 9 years ago

Definitely have this issue.

mknadler commented 9 years ago

+1; I crunched some numbers, and this fix improves the the project by a factor of about 2.7492. Should definitely be merged; you can't argue with some numbers.

gesa commented 9 years ago

As a woman, I'd just like to jump in to say

…this project is total bullshit. :+1: to the PR


parsonsmatt commented 9 years ago


joshdcomp commented 9 years ago

+1, this is offensive on several levels

hypernormal commented 9 years ago


gesteves commented 9 years ago

:+1: to @chriseppstein's PR.

amoskane commented 9 years ago

Woman here. Who's super embarrassed for you. A classy guy would know that the joke's not funny.

elyseholladay commented 9 years ago

+10000 just because it's funny* doesn't mean I want to see it in my industry.


jonambas commented 9 years ago


Not even close to being funny

donovanh commented 9 years ago

+1 to this pull request.

marbiano commented 9 years ago


bjork24 commented 9 years ago


bsherron commented 9 years ago


mdo commented 9 years ago

Look, here's the thing @letsgetrandy. You might enjoy the attention, but folks are clearly offended by this project. I, and many others, appreciate a good dick joke every now and then, but this isn't being seen as a joke by everyone. Very few in fact. It's not the place, nor is it at all helpful to others. I'm not in favor of this particular PR, but I would recommend you revisit the language and tone.

Perhaps most importantly, however, is that you're being seen as perpetuating everything that's wrong with the open source and tech communities at large—sexism, misogyny, and arrogance. You might not mean to be doing that, but that's how it's being interpreted. If you're fine with thousands of people hating on you and this project for the foreseeable future, then please, by all means continue.

I'm unsure if this code works, but if it does, and it's your intention in the slightest to share your knowledge with the world, then you're shooting yourself in the foot here. I don't expect you to take the entire project down, but please at least reconsider.

mdo commented 9 years ago

@jedmund It's being actively discussed, but until something is decided internally at GitHub, the best policy is to continue to rally the community in a positive and meaningful way around things like this. Let's impact change, not harsh judgements.

MCluck90 commented 9 years ago

Could someone point me to the sexually violent language? This is directly taken from the README (emphasis added):

While we believe most people are fond of DICSS, we realize that DICSS isn't for everyone. There are plenty of alternatives. Feel free to use them instead. And please, never force someone to use DICSS if they're not willing.

jkbyln commented 9 years ago


letsgetrandy commented 9 years ago

@mdo The truth is, anyone who actually read what's here can have whatever opinions they want about the childishness or immaturity of the humor, but I have yet to see a single instance of how this in any way encourages "sexual violence". In fact, as several have pointed out, the only mention of sexual violence is a plea not to commit it.

Is this damaging my reputation? I doubt it. Sure, maybe there are several people who have +1'ed this particular thread, who may have a negative opinion of me. But for every one of them, there are two stars from people who thought this was funny. There are also a slew of new people following me on Twitter. I can't help but thinking this is, at worst, a break-even, and possibly a benefit to me overall.

Besides, would I want to work in the shop that doesn't like my sense of humor anyway? Probably not. It would only end sadly for all involved anyway. So if this repo serves to help those companies avoid hiring me, I think everybody wins.

Meanwhile, I have not been disrespectful to any person or group, and I have cordially accepted the criticism from those who don't find the humor in this. I'm sure there are no shortage of people who will find that an appreciable trait.

ericdfields commented 9 years ago

+1 please re-open and consider this PR. It's just not funny, and overall pretty lousy.

arches commented 9 years ago

+1 please merge

NadyaNayme commented 9 years ago

-1 The people supporting this PR are the ones who need to grow up.

You're adults. That should mean you know how to deal with things you disagree with on a higher level than trying to silence them.

It's like you people want to live in an Orwellian society.

knt commented 9 years ago

+1 please merge

jtappa commented 9 years ago

+1 to reopen and merge.

mdo commented 9 years ago

@letsgetrandy I didn't mention "sexual violence" at all in my comment. I did mention sexism, misogyny, and arrogance though.

So if this repo serves to help those companies avoid hiring me, I think everybody wins.

I, and I hope the rest of the community, wish you no ill will. You and everyone else should have every opportunity to be yourself and see success in your life. I sincerely hope this doesn't discourage others from hiring you.

I can't help but thinking this is, at worst, a break-even, and possibly a benefit to me overall.

Is that your only concern though? I ask not to be a jerk, but to try to make you see what little things like this do to the community overall and the individuals you'll never hear from. Sure, you're benefiting—people are talking about your work, following you, giving you props. Good for you. Really, I mean that. More people in our industry need recognition for the work they do.

But what about the folks who this doesn't benefit? The ones who leave, or worse never even join, open source and tech because they'll be greeted with this kind of material? Open source isn't meant to be just about you, but what you give back.

If you can honestly step back from this and say out loud that this has zero change of offending or discouraging people from open source and tech, then please do nothing.

But if you think just maybe, just maybe, folks don't want to see this come out of our communities, you might reconsider and make some changes.

scottkellum commented 9 years ago

@letsgetrandy To be more specific, I enjoy a good dick joke but find much of the context offensive.

Objectification of women rampant in the section The possibilities are endless:

Just grab DICSS and stick it wherever you like. DICSS works equally well in your or in your . … Then, go ahead and start putting DICSS in! Put 'em everywhere you like.

Also in the source code.

This stuff got me the most riled up. The idea that dicks can be put wherever the person with the dick wants is off-putting and perpetuates rape culture. Some of advances may be unwanted and that would be sexual assault if they occurred. It is not up to YOU where to put it.

Strong male-focus in language with disregard for safety. I’m aware of the Is it safe? section above, but this seems to undermine that:

Does DICSS work with LaTeX? Yes, but it takes longer.

Ultimately, this is not just a dick joke but a dick joke clearly written by a man with no empathy towards women. Additionally, tech culture has a big problem of bro-culture driving away some incredibly talented women. Dick jokes in general, while we may enjoy the good ones in our private lives, can make many talented people in our community uncomfortable. You will definitely find others who accept your humor but please realize that the community is bigger than that and these jokes actively undermine them.

NadyaNayme commented 9 years ago

@mdo Have you ever considered the people who don't want to live in a totalitarian society where they have to watch what they say lest someone be offended? Have you ever considered that maybe the reason the Thought Crime Police idea hasn't become so widespread and accepted by all (and with many people opposing it!) is because a majority of people don't wish to live in such a society?

I like my tech culture to be open. If you're offended, so what? Maybe I want a culture where people aren't so easily offended by every little thing and can learn to take a joke?

Have you ever thought about people like me? Or, because my opinion differs from yours, am I an immoral monster that should be ignored because your selfish wants and desires are superior to my own?

What about the people discouraged from joining the tech community because the loudest members are part of the San Francisco Thought Police and they don't want to be ostracized or ridiculed for their beliefs? Do THOSE people not matter?

Your opinion is just that: your opinion. Those who disagree with you aren't inherently wrong, they just have a different opinion than you.

letsgetrandy commented 9 years ago

@scottkellum In YOUR head and in YOUR body. I never said to do unto anyone else. In fact, I explicitly asked the reader not to put it where it's not wanted.