Closed ghost closed 6 years ago
The args of Port number is incorrect. Please kindly check.
-e OPTS="-s -p 8443 -m aes-256-cfb -k SSPasswd --plugin obfs-server --plugin-opts obfs=tls;" letssudormrf/ss-obfs-docker
You should use the client which has the simple-obfs plugin, because the failover option has been enabled, it means that the origin protocol doesn't work.
Therefore, the client without simple-obfs cannot work. Only the client use simple-obfs can work.
docker run --restart always -d -p 443:8443/tcp -p 443:8443/udp --name simple-obfs -e OPTS="-s -p 8443 -m aes-256-cfb -k SSPasswd --plugin obfs-server --plugin-opts obfs=tls" letssudormrf/ss-obfs-docker 以上命令run docker 还是不行,但是在client启动时能接收到几kb的数据,后面就断了 client使用的是google play上shadowsocks作者(max lv)提供的simple obfuscation插件,ss client也是由max lv提供,docker image也是由 www.shadowsocks.org官方提供
Maybe the simple-obfs was restricted by the ISP.
Let's change to v2ray, it's very easy to deploy. Websocket + TLS can pass-through CDN.
docker run --restart always -d -p 80:8080/tcp -p 443:8443/udp --name v2ray-docker -e UUID="082c8ac4-d1df-4005-9d29-8417cc4a3940" -e WSPATH="/api/" letssudormrf/v2ray-docker
The android client has BifrostV.
docker run --restart always -d -p 443:8443/tcp -p 443:8443/udp --name simple-obfs -e OPTS="-s -p SSport -m aes-256-cfb -k SSPasswd --plugin obfs-server --plugin-opts obfs=tls;" letssudormrf/ss-obfs-docker