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제49호(2022년 2월 13일 발행 예정) #53

Closed godrm closed 2 years ago

godrm commented 2 years ago

애플에서 공식적으로 측정한 iOS, iPadOS 점유율 정보가 있네요 https://developer.apple.com/kr/support/app-store/

핑크퐁 컴퍼니 Unity 엔진과 Swift로 앱 개발하는 과정에서 경험담을 길고 상세하게 정리해주셨습니다. 좋은 사례가 될 것 같습니다. 더불어 채용도 하고 있다고 하시네요. https://medium.com/pinkfong/ios%EC%97%90%EC%84%9C-unity%EB%A5%BC-%EB%9D%BC%EC%9D%B4%EB%B8%8C%EB%9F%AC%EB%A6%AC%EB%A1%9C-%EC%82%AC%EC%9A%A9%ED%95%98%EA%B8%B0-2f3d5b9f081d

woosub-lee commented 2 years ago

앱 내에서 계정 삭제를 지원해야 하는 앱 스토어 리뷰 가이드라인 5.1.1의 적용이 6월 말로 연장되었다고 합니다. https://developer.apple.com/kr/news/?id=i71db0mv

godrm commented 2 years ago


개발자 사이트에서 예전부터 제공하던 테크노트가 새로운 형식으로 리뉴얼되었네요. Apple Developer Documentation https://developer.apple.com/documentation/Technotes

Unlisted App Distribution - Support - Apple Developer https://developer.apple.com/support/unlisted-app-distribution/

Deadline for in-app purchase and account deletion requirements extended - News - Apple Developer https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=i71db0mv

New App Store Connect API capabilities now available - News - Apple Developer https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=tff7423p


에어태그 악세서리가 엄청 많아지고 있다고 합니다. 한국에서는 법제도 덕분에 Find My + 지도가 안되서 낭패지만요 ㅜㅜ https://medium.com/macoclock/airtag-accessories-the-new-era-of-tracking-c8413bdb3736

Apples biggest improvement to bluetooth audio | Medium https://medium.marco.zone/apple-implemented-the-biggest-improvement-to-bluetooth-audio-since-2009-2079abc607af


How To Support Women in Tech. We face a battle to be seen, heard and… | by Kristi Perreault | Jan, 2022 | Index https://index.medium.com/how-to-support-women-in-tech-ea5b9de61fb4

Apparently You Can’t Teach an Old Dog SwiftUI and Xcode | by Anthony Lawrence (Pcunix) | Tony’s Tech Corner | Jan, 2022 | Medium https://medium.com/tonys-tech-corner/apparently-you-cant-teach-an-old-dog-swiftui-and-xcode-5ae2bf62ff78

Apple’s (Hidden) Authenticator App | by Nikhil Vemu | Mac O’Clock | Feb, 2022 | Medium https://medium.com/macoclock/apples-hidden-authenticator-app-c15ac675a592

iOS App Security — keeping apples worm-free | by Besar | Feb, 2022 | Medium https://besari.medium.com/ios-app-security-keeping-apples-worm-free-568ffdd0fa4b

Six Lessons From the Success of Wordle | by Clive Thompson | Jan, 2022 | OneZero https://onezero.medium.com/six-lessons-from-the-success-of-wordle-3af37461632a

Creating Story-telling interactive Diagrams with draw.io | Better Programming https://betterprogramming.pub/creating-story-telling-interactive-diagrams-with-draw-io-f7e57ae32621

언어 : Swift

Function Currying (And Uncurrying) In Swift | by Steven Curtis | Feb, 2022 | Medium https://stevenpcurtis.medium.com/function-currying-and-uncurrying-in-swift-c9e953ee390

Develop a command-line tool using Swift Concurrency | by Marco Eidinger | Geek Culture | Jan, 2022 | Medium https://medium.com/geekculture/develop-a-command-line-tool-using-swift-concurrency-e16d254361cb

How to create asynchronous Swift Command-Line Tool with AsyncParsableCommand? | An Tran https://antran.app/2022/swift_argument_parser_async/

Memory management when using async/await in Swift | Swift by Sundell https://www.swiftbysundell.com/articles/memory-management-when-using-async-await/

Autoreleasepool and swift. Memory management in swift is handled… | by Kristiina Rahkema | Feb, 2022 | ITNEXT https://itnext.io/autoreleasepool-and-swift-c58d8e9bc448

4 Lesser-Known Swift Features. Do you know how to resolve dictionary… | by Pavel Plotnikov | Jan, 2022 | Better Programming https://betterprogramming.pub/4-lesser-known-swift-features-ddfbc9268aa9

When should you use Decimal instead of Double? · Jesse Squires https://www.jessesquires.com/blog/2022/02/01/decimal-vs-double/

Cleaner inits - ExpressibleBy... protocols https://arturgruchala.com/cleaner-inits-expressibleby-protocols/

Phantom Types in Swift. A Phantom type is just a generic type… | by Karthik Shiva | Jan, 2022 | Medium https://medium.com/@karthikshiva/phantom-types-in-swift-beee513e4ae0

[Pitch] Opaque parameter types - Pitches - Swift Forums https://forums.swift.org/t/pitch-opaque-parameter-types/54914

‘Hello world!’ in Swift, Enterprise Edition | by Nikita Lazarev-Zubov | CodeX | Medium https://medium.com/codex/hello-world-enterprise-edition-in-swift-72f87ce43b2a

Managing Concurrency With Swift Task Groups | by Mark Lucking | Jan, 2022 | Better Programming https://betterprogramming.pub/managing-concurrency-with-swift-task-groups-703ef993eb16

설계 구조 : 패턴

Re-thinking iOS Coordinators to Build Scalable Apps | by Leonid Kokhnovych | Jan, 2022 | Better Programming https://betterprogramming.pub/re-thinking-ios-coordinators-f66d630534db

D V N C I — A Storyboardless & Clean & Multidirectional Architecture Pattern | by Doruk Çoban | Feb, 2022 | Medium https://medium.com/@drkcbn/d-v-n-c-i-a-storyboardless-clean-multidirectional-architecture-cb9321db2687

The Facade Design Pattern in Swift | by Alonso Alvarez | Jan, 2022 | Better Programming https://betterprogramming.pub/design-patterns-in-swift-facade-a7303dc3d95b

Too Many Dependencies in iOS? Use the Composition Root Pattern | by Ethan Keiser | Jan, 2022 | Better Programming https://betterprogramming.pub/ios-architecture-is-not-mvc-mvvm-m-5b34a04beb98

Guide to Prototype Pattern in Swift | by Eduardo Domene Junior | Geek Culture | Jan, 2022 | Medium https://medium.com/geekculture/guide-to-prototype-pattern-in-swift-c6f4735d8e2b

SwiftUI and Architecture: State. Welcome to the new old world | by mobile.IT | Jan, 2022 | Medium https://mobileit7.medium.com/swiftui-and-architecture-state-323ee23bee52

How to Design in Clean Architecture Way | Better Programming https://betterprogramming.pub/how-to-design-in-clean-architecture-way-part-2-8524e76f2720

Avoiding “Massive AppDelegates” in iOS | by Varga Zolt | Jan, 2022 | Better Programming https://betterprogramming.pub/avoiding-massive-appdelegates-df59dd9b8a2d

How to organise your project? Folder structure. iOS | Better Programming https://betterprogramming.pub/how-to-organise-your-project-1e0c98825f77

뷰 프로그래밍 : SwiftUI

Build a Snake Game in SwiftUI Using GeometryReader | by Mark Lucking | Feb, 2022 | Better Programming https://betterprogramming.pub/build-a-snake-game-in-swiftui-using-geometryreader-c6785cfc7b59

Circular Progress bar view in SwiftUI | by DevTechie | DevTechie | Jan, 2022 | Medium https://medium.com/devtechie/circular-progress-bar-view-in-swiftui-2768584e0bdc

Fixing SwiftUI’s Automatic Preview Updating Paused | Marina Gornostaeva https://hybridcattt.com/blog/fixing-swiftui-previews

3 surprises when using Markdown in SwiftUI https://blog.eidinger.info/3-surprises-when-using-markdown-in-swiftui

Neumorphic Button Style in SwiftUI | by Sarah | Feb, 2022 | Better Programming https://betterprogramming.pub/neumorphic-button-style-in-swiftui-f9a158bf4094

GeometryReader in SwiftUI. By the end of this article, you would… | by DevTechie | DevTechie | Feb, 2022 | Medium https://medium.com/devtechie/geometryreader-in-swiftui-b888a8ab349f

SwiftUI | View Life Cycles. Learn from Examples. | by Elizabeth Yu | Geek Culture | Feb, 2022 | Medium https://medium.com/geekculture/swiftui-view-life-cycles-d3b5e88d3c69

WatchTabView Inside NavigationView in SwiftUI | by Shen Sheng | Jan, 2022 | Better Programming https://betterprogramming.pub/watchtabview-that-can-work-inside-navigationview-in-swiftui-f7b7f4b3fe40

Debugging SwiftUI views: what caused that change? - SwiftLee https://www.avanderlee.com/swiftui/debugging-swiftui-views/

New SwiftUI documentation in Xcode 13.3 beta 1 | FIVE STARS https://www.fivestars.blog/articles/xcode-13-3-beta-1/

Floating Hearts Animation in SwiftUI | by Sarah | Feb, 2022 | Better Programming https://betterprogramming.pub/floating-hearts-animation-in-swiftui-1bf2f0404b12

Switching SwiftUI App Themes. Customise beyond just dark mode | by Kenan Begić | Jan, 2022 | Better Programming https://betterprogramming.pub/swiftui-app-theme-switch-241a79574b87

Build the Dollar Game Using SwiftUI | by Mark Lucking | Feb, 2022 | Better Programming https://betterprogramming.pub/build-the-dollar-game-using-swiftui-73f0599727cb

@EnvironmentObject explained for sharing data between views in SwiftUI https://www.avanderlee.com/swiftui/environmentobject

Build a Flexible Picker With SwiftUI | by Jędrzej Chołuj | Jan, 2022 | Better Programming https://betterprogramming.pub/flexible-picker-with-swiftui-5817ffe9fddf

뷰 프로그래밍 : UIKit

Theming Apps on iOS is Hard https://christianselig.com/2022/02/difficulty-theming-ios/

Swift advanced charts from scratch — Pt 2 | by Alexey Kolchedantsev | Feb, 2022 | Dev Genius https://blog.devgenius.io/swift-advanced-charts-from-scratch-pt-2-193c38c23a21

10 little UIKit tips you should know - The.Swift.Dev. https://theswiftdev.com/10-little-uikit-tips-you-should-know/


How to get started with Voice Over on iOS | by Laurie Marceau | Feb, 2022 | Medium https://medium.com/@lauriemarceau/how-to-get-started-with-voice-over-on-ios-405a23cdfd37

VoiceOver For Frequently Updating Data https://useyourloaf.com/blog/voiceover-for-frequently-updating-data/

Creating AR Tatooine from Star Wars with Swift and ARKit 5 | by Bruno Feres Villela | Jan, 2022 | Medium https://hey-feres.medium.com/creating-ar-tatooine-from-star-wars-with-swift-and-arkit-5-746fe73c4c94

Your calendrical fallacy is thinking… https://yourcalendricalfallacyis.com/

Combine -101: Introduction to Basics & Terms | by Burcu K. Kutluay | Jan, 2022 | Dev Genius https://blog.devgenius.io/combine-101-introduction-to-basics-terms-a21106cdd142

Getting Started with Combine in Swift | by Minhaz Panara | Proximity Labs | Feb, 2022 | Medium https://medium.com/proximity-labs/getting-started-with-combine-in-swift-1d6a5b53b216

Regex Text Validator in Swift. Create a reusable Regex Text Validator… | by Alessandro Manilii | Jan, 2022 | Dev Genius https://blog.devgenius.io/regex-text-validator-in-swift-43864103feca

Write a clean and Reusable Networking Layer using Combine framework and generics | by Kareem Mohammed | Feb, 2022 | Medium https://kareem5.medium.com/write-a-clean-and-reusable-networking-layer-using-combine-framework-and-generics-ed44180e2424

Synchronous functions can support cancellation too – Ole Begemann https://oleb.net/2022/sync-functions-cancellation/?utm_source=swiftlee&utm_medium=swiftlee_weekly&utm_campaign=issue_101

Calling asynchronous Firebase APIs from Swift | by Peter Friese | Firebase Developers | Feb, 2022 | Medium https://medium.com/firebase-developers/calling-asynchronous-firebase-apis-from-swift-757e8207df54

How to add a 3D into an iOS app using SceneKit | by eturkina | Medium https://medium.com/@e.turkina/how-to-add-a-3d-into-an-ios-app-using-scenekit-f7bcfbd1bdba

👾 Apollo Integration Fun on iOS. Why? | by Mubi Sadoon | Feb, 2022 | Building Kickstarter https://building.kickstarter.com/apollo-integration-fun-on-ios-2c2d9e012d45

iOS Push Notifications | Better Programming https://betterprogramming.pub/the-complete-guide-for-configuring-ios-push-notifications-3161d0cddd46

Implement OAuth2 PKCE in Swift. Test on iOS with your own app by using… | by Marco Eidinger | Geek Culture | Dec, 2021 | Medium https://medium.com/geekculture/implement-oauth2-pkce-in-swift-9bdb58873957

CoreData with Codable. Populating & persisting managed objects… | by Deepika Ramesh | Jan, 2022 | Medium https://medium.com/@deeps_ramesh/coredata-with-codable-c9f51aaa1962

App Delegate Life Cycle iOS | Geek Culture https://medium.com/geekculture/appdelegate-lifecycle-9bc3c9104e55

Clash of the Optionals • The Atomic Birdhouse https://atomicbird.com/blog/clash-of-the-optionals/

Building a simple TCP chat for iOS using Swift. | by Аλέξιος | Jan, 2022 | Medium https://alimovlex.medium.com/building-a-simple-tcp-chat-in-ios-using-swift-ff8da446543

Handling Core Image Filter Processing With Concurrency in Swift | by Mark Lucking | Jan, 2022 | Better Programming https://betterprogramming.pub/handling-core-image-filter-processing-with-concurrency-in-swift-a016396c3a07


Integrating RxSwift as XCFramework with CocoaPods | Better Programming https://betterprogramming.pub/integrating-rxswift-as-xcframework-with-cocoapods-41595f045336

Reduce iOS App Launch Time. Tips making your app to launch faster | by Pavlos Simas | Feb, 2022 | Medium https://simaspavlos.medium.com/reduce-ios-app-launch-time-815c16e3db02

Reducing Our Build Time By 50%. This is the story of how we reduced the… | by Sanju Naik | Gojek Product + Tech | Jan, 2022 | Medium https://medium.com/gojekengineering/reducing-our-build-time-by-50-835b54c99588

Hosting your Swift Library Docs on Github Pages – Rhonabwy https://rhonabwy.com/2022/01/28/hosting-your-swift-library-docs-on-github-pages/

An early look at Swift extensible build tools https://www.polpiella.dev/an-early-look-at-swift-extensible-build-tools/


Development of a Multiplatform project from iOS Engineer’s perspective | by Oleksandr Masliukivskyi | Jan, 2022 | Medium https://medium.com/@oleksandrmasliukivskyi/development-of-a-multiplatform-project-from-ios-engineers-perspective-a3f236b0b595

Colorizing Xcode Logs to Improve Log Tracing | by Furkan Kaplan | Jan, 2022 | Better Programming https://betterprogramming.pub/colorizing-xcode-logs-to-improve-log-tracing-e67fbc727fd6


Test Driven Development: Simple Flow Object in iOS | by Tifo Audi Alif Putra | Bootcampers | Feb, 2022 | Medium https://medium.com/bootcampers/test-driven-development-simple-flow-object-in-ios-6b8a3555f495

Scaling productivity on microservices at Lyft (Part 4): Gating Deploys with Automated Acceptance Tests | by Ben Radler | Feb, 2022 | Lyft Engineering https://eng.lyft.com/scaling-productivity-on-microservices-at-lyft-part-4-gating-deploys-with-automated-acceptance-4417e0ebc274

How to Test Unity Games on an iOS Device Without a Developer Account | by Sergio Ortiz | Jan, 2022 | Better Programming https://betterprogramming.pub/test-your-unity-game-on-an-ios-device-without-a-developer-account-ac256fb00a1


Apple Localization Terms Glossary https://applelocalization.com/

Profiling binary size on iOS using Bloaty | Asif’s Blog https://asifmohd.github.io/ios/2022/02/03/bloaty-ios-introduction.html

Detecting Internet Connectivity using OpenCombine | by Ross Butler | Jan, 2022 | Medium https://medium.com/@rwbutler/detecting-internet-connectivity-using-opencombine-1a11e36d233b

SwiftDependencyChecker — check CocoaPods, Carthage and Swift PM dependencies for known vulnerabilities | by Kristiina Rahkema | Jan, 2022 | Dev Genius https://blog.devgenius.io/swiftdependencychecker-check-cocoapods-carthage-and-swift-pm-dependencies-for-known-def2fba890c

Introducing SwiftEmailValidator. Validating 99% of North-American emails… | by Dave Poirier | Jan, 2022 | ITNEXT https://itnext.io/introducing-swiftemailvalidator-df658af4ebb1

iOS Lightweight Hooking Library. I would like to share with you a simple… | by Said Al Mujaini | Jan, 2022 | Medium https://medium.com/@saidalmujaini/ios-lightweight-hooking-library-7db05d565ef0


App Development Inspiration 113 | Swift Company | TMDesign https://theymakedesign.com/app-development-inspiration-113-74dee1d340b0 https://theymakedesign.com/app-development-inspiration-112-cf58622a18d7 https://theymakedesign.com/app-development-inspiration-111-1a304c66f827

App Design Inspiration 43 | Top UI UX Design Agency | TMDesign https://theymakedesign.com/app-design-inspiration-43-feeb2f6d79b4 https://theymakedesign.com/app-design-inspiration-42-c7e2efeec088

godrm commented 2 years ago

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