lettertwo / appcache-webpack-plugin

Generate an HTML5 Application Cache for a Webpack build
206 stars 36 forks source link

Exclude dotfiles automatically #12

Open mxstbr opened 8 years ago

mxstbr commented 8 years ago

dotfiles (files starting with a ., e.g. .htaccess) cannot get requested by a browser, results in a 403 error. (src: https://support.hostgator.com/articles/403-forbidden-or-no-permission-to-access) So putting them in an appcache manifest doesn't really make sense. Would be nice if this plugin excluded all dotfiles automatically.

Great work on this plugin, absolutely love it!

crossRT commented 6 years ago

Hey @lettertwo thanks for creating this awesome webpack plugin. It saves my day. =) Anyway, it would be appreciated if you could excluding macOS .DS_store by default.