Closed wilx closed 3 years ago
Hello @wilx
Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce this.
If you switch it to the other side, does it still reverse? When centered, is the result centered? Was the result cropped?
Yes, I cropped the video to the dude's cam only.
I just tried again and I can reproduced it. Here are the settings printed on console:
- Input File: /home/wilx/DS3 crashed-571356927.mp4
- Output File: /home/wilx/test.gif
- Save As Video: No
- Start Second: 5.265
- End Second: 6.511
- Width: 500px
- FPS: 60
- Color Count: 256
- Dither: False
- Text: Test
- Font:
- Family: Sans
- Size: 31
- Style: normal
- Stretch: normal
- Weight: 400
- Time:
- Start Second: 0.000
- End Second: 21.061
- Translation:
- Origin: Center
- X: -0.47000000000000025
- Y: 0.46000000000000024
- Rotation:
- Degrees: 0
- Outline:
- Size: 5
- Color: rgb(0,0,0)
- Fill:
- Color: rgb(255,255,255)
- Left: 0.000
- Right: 0.750
- Top: 0.660
- Bottom: 0.000
Hello @wilx
I recreated the setup using a still from the screenshot but I still couldn't reproduce the issue.
Does this occur with other videos or just this one in particular?
I just tested with a different video and it still is reproducible. Is it possible it is caused by ImageMagick?
> convert -version
Version: ImageMagick 6.9.10-23 Q16 x86_64 20190101
Copyright: © 1999-2019 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: Cipher DPC Modules OpenMP
Delegates (built-in): bzlib djvu fftw fontconfig freetype jbig jng jpeg lcms lqr ltdl lzma openexr pangocairo png tiff webp wmf x xml zlib
Hello @wilx,
ImageMagick is the program used to add the text. I'm not sure what the size of the video is but here are the commands Gifcurry would send:
This command extracts the frames. You'll have to adjust the scale
here to match your video and change the extraction folder.
ffmpeg -nostats -loglevel error -an -ss 5.265 -i /home/wilx/DS3 crashed-571356927.mp4 -t 1.246 -r 60 -q:v 31 -vf scale=2000.0:-1,crop=w=iw*(1-0.75):h=ih*(1-0.66):x=iw*0.0:y=ih*0.66:exact=1 -start_number 0 -f image2 /home/wilx/.cache/gifcurry/gifcurry-frames4946/extracted-frames_%010d.png
This command adds the text to each frame. There would be one for each extracted frame. You'll have to change to the extraction folder set up above. The pointsize
will have to be adjusted to match the original video size.
convert -quiet /home/wilx/.cache/gifcurry/gifcurry-frames4946/extracted-frames_0000000000.png -family DejaVu Sans -style normal -stretch normal -weight 400 -pointsize 88 -gravity Center -density 96 -strokewidth 5 -stroke rgb(0,0,0) -annotate 0x0-190+145 OH WELL -stroke none -fill rgb(255,255,255) -annotate 0x0-190+145 OH WELL -set colorspace sRGB /home/wilx/.cache/gifcurry/gifcurry-frames4946/extracted-frames_0000000000.png
This command merges all of the frames back together again into a GIF. You'll have to change to the extraction folder set up above.
convert -quiet -delay 2 /home/wilx/.cache/gifcurry/gifcurry-frames4946/extracted-frames_*.png +dither -colors 256 -fuzz 1% -layers OptimizeFrame -layers OptimizeTransparency -loop 0 +map -set colorspace sRGB /home/wilx/test.gif
See if those commands reproduce the issue and at what point in the process.
I have reproduced the issue with the middle convert
command. I have only changed point size.
convert -quiet /home/wilx/.cache/gifcurry/gifcurry-frames4946/extracted-frames_0000000000.png -family 'DejaVu Sans' -style normal -stretch normal -weight 400 -pointsize 10 -gravity Center -density 96 -strokewidth 5 -stroke 'rgb(0,0,0)' -annotate '0x0-190+145' 'OH WELL' -stroke none -fill 'rgb(255,255,255)' -annotate '0x0-190+145' 'OH WELL' -set colorspace sRGB /home/wilx/.cache/gifcurry/gifcurry-frames4946/test.png
I'm having the same issue.
@wilx : You said you reproduced the issue, but @lettier seems to not be able to. Which version of imagemagick are you guys running?
I'm using ImageMagick 6.9.10-23 and I have the weird placement issue.
@gfotiades convert -version
says ImageMagick 6.9.10-23 Q16 x86_64 20190101
@wilx Mine is exactly the same. I'm guessing you're *buntu based like me (Lubuntu)?
@lettier Curious what your version is? Not sure if this is a bug in imagemagick or if the code here needs to be modified to adapt to new command line for imagemagick.
@gfotiades Yes, it is Ubuntu/Xubuntu.
I am having this same situation with text placement. Anything with a negative horizontal value seems to end up either at the positive value OR sometimes it just remains centered. The preview shows the text in the correct location, but the final gif is wrong.
Additionally, sometimes the chosen font does not make it onto the final gif that is produced. I'm still investigating why this might be happening, but if anyone has suggestions I am happy to hear them.
@lettier I see you closed this. Was this fixed? @wilx said he was able to reproduce with the image magick cmd you gave, pointing to an image magick problem (either a feature change or a bug fix). Perhaps if it's not fixed we need to create a branch in cmd construction to support multiple versions of image magick?
The text added into GIF seems to be placed on the other side. As if it was counted as offset from one side of the frame but the wrong one. See attached screenshot. This was produced with the AppImage.