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IDE : Graphics Editor Quirk : Display shrinks #854

Open BigJinge opened 1 month ago

BigJinge commented 1 month ago


Windows 11 : TRSE 0.17.150 and going back many releases. VIC-20 mode : Image Editor : Windows Painter mode is qtimage.

When editing an image / tileset in the TRSE graphics editor, the window doesn't show all of the parts. If you make the window small and then full again, the window parts show up.

If you then move the cursor to paint in the painting window, the window shrinks back down again. This makes desigining / drawing very difficult.

Video of what is happening. https://app.box.com/s/anndqy5jey4zgw2tb4q91yrml4fr1inp


leuat commented 1 month ago

Thanks for reporting this! I've rearranged the image editor so you can now move / remove the various editor tools, in addition to inserting them into a scroll view, meaning that it should be able to resize the window to a much smaller size. Let me know if this works!

BigJinge commented 1 month ago


Been trying out the changes in 0.17.189 and that is SO much better. There is still a quirk with the right tool window, in that even though there is space beneath it to expand into, it stops short. I’ve attached a screen grab that highlights it. It’s not a case of making the arrows smaller etc within the tools window, that that tool window needs to expand more into the master window, so the vertical slider in the tools window wouldn’t be needed.

For reference, the native screen resolution of this Windows 11 laptop is 1920x1080 with scale at 150%.

Many thanks.

From: Nicolaas Groeneboom @.> Sent: Thursday, May 9, 2024 10:03 PM To: leuat/TRSE @.> Cc: BigJinge @.>; Author @.> Subject: Re: [leuat/TRSE] IDE : Graphics Editor Quirk : Display shrinks (Issue #854)

Thanks for reporting this! I've rearranged the image editor so you can now move / remove the various editor tools, in addition to inserting them into a scroll view, meaning that it should be able to resize the window to a much smaller size. Let me know if this works!

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AndyHOvine commented 1 month ago

These changes have broken the following shortcut keys. The \ key, Ctrl+\, F5 and F6. See this thread on Slack for how they should work:


See this link for the other things that are not working: https://turborascal.slack.com/archives/CSH6UHYUT/p1715421392133049

3:2 mode gets squashed horizontally. the status bar is spanning 3 lines - it used to be on one. The keys , F5 and F6 are no longer working correctly (see the previous version thread to how they were intended to work)