leuchte / number26

Simple PHP wrapper for the unofficial number26.eu api
MIT License
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Legal part of keeping authorization key for undocumented API #1

Closed invidian closed 8 years ago

invidian commented 8 years ago

It's only partially connected with this repository, although it's always good to ask. I decided to create an issue instead of writing email, because those information might be useful for other people.

I'm thinking about writing ruby bindings for Number26 API, and I was wondering if it's legal to keep authorization key (which is required to get personal token) inside own library.

DId you ask Number26 about that?

leuchte commented 8 years ago

What do you mean with authorization key? The authorization_token you receive after each login? Or the e-mail/password combo, you need to login?

It doesn't make much sense to keep the authorization_token, since after 30 minutes you have to request a new one. I think, to store e-mail and password is not allowed in terms of service.

Anyway, i asked nobody.

invidian commented 8 years ago

Sorry, that I didn't mention that, I was talking about this basic authorization, which is used to get personalized token. BTW, it comes from there and that would be better idea to download it from there instead of hardcoding it.

leuchte commented 8 years ago

Oh, that. Well its a base64 encoded string of a allowed client that can access the API. There is just the used one, one for android devices and maybe one for iOS. So, i don't see the need to not hardcode it since you can't register or activate your own client.

invidian commented 8 years ago

Yeah, I just started reading about spring oauth2, which they use and I figured it out by myself. Anyway, thanks for answers! I think it can be closed.