leukbaars / DreamUV

DreamUV - 3D viewport UV editing tools for Blender
1.35k stars 58 forks source link

Update for Blender 3.0? #26

Open melvixiodf opened 2 years ago

melvixiodf commented 2 years ago

@leukbaars Hi, hope you are doing well. Any chance we could pls pls get an update for Blender 3.0? This addon is so useful.

Thanks so much for this addon


Amylrun commented 2 years ago

@leukbaars happy new year !!

My workflow relying heavily on dream UV I was wondering if we could have an update for the blender version 3.0 as well.

thank you again.

sansgil commented 2 years ago

Error occurs whilst trying to use in Blender 3.0>. Any plans to update the script? Screenshot 2022-01-24 153003

unfa commented 1 year ago

The add-on in it's current version works in Blender 3.3.1, so I think this can be closed.