levdevlev / lev-apartments

Furnished Apartment Shell
48 stars 12 forks source link

Update README.md #2

Open Ashenboy opened 1 year ago

Ashenboy commented 1 year ago

fix exit,stash and logout offsets image image image

ybservices23 commented 1 year ago

hey, i just downloaded it but was not fixed? using the latest qb core

ybservices23 commented 1 year ago

as in the stash & exit are still in the same position, i did everything you said in the read me

local function CreateShell(spawn, exitXYZH, model) local objects = {} local POIOffsets = {} POIOffsets.exit = exitXYZH DoScreenFadeOut(500) while not IsScreenFadedOut() do Wait(10) end RequestModel(model) while not HasModelLoaded(model) do Wait(1000) end local house = CreateObject(model, spawn.x, spawn.y, spawn.z, false, false, false)

local spawnPointX = 0.089353
local spawnPointY = -2.67699
local spawnPointZ = 0.760894
local spawnPointH = 270.76

FreezeEntityPosition(house, true)
objects[#objects+1] = house
TeleportToInterior(spawn.x + spawnPointX, spawn.y + spawnPointY, spawn.z + spawnPointZ, spawnPointH)

return { objects, POIOffsets }


exports('CreateShell', function(spawn, exitXYZH, model) return CreateShell(spawn, exitXYZH, model) end)

-- Starting Apartment

exports('CreateApartmentFurnished', function(spawn)

local exit = json.decode('{"x": 0.80353, "y": 1.94699, "z": 0.960894, "h": 270.76}')

local model = "lev_apartment_shell"
local obj = CreateShell(spawn, exit, model)
if obj and obj[2] then
    obj[2].clothes = json.decode('{"x": -7.04442, "y": -2.97699, "z": 0.960894, "h": 181.75}')
    obj[2].stash = json.decode('{"x": -3.04442, "y": 2.17699, "z": 0.960894, "h": 181.75}')
    obj[2].logout = json.decode('{"x": 1.010176, "y": 2.29546, "z": 0.960894, "h": 91.18}')
if IsNew then
    SetTimeout(750, function()
        IsNew = false
return { obj[1], obj[2] }
