level12 / keg-app-cookiecutter

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Keg should remove /ping and /exception-test routes #130

Open rsyring opened 3 years ago

rsyring commented 3 years ago

By default Keg provides /ping with the idea that it can be used as a health check route for something like Cronitor. However, we provide a health check URL that checks more things.

Keg should remove that blueprint (https://github.com/level12/keg/issues/167) and we will have to remove the test for the /ping route when that happens.

Also, create our own /exception route so it's present when keg's blueprint goes away.

guruofgentoo commented 2 years ago

Putting the exception route here to use in the cookie cutter, would just need to attach it to an appropriate blueprint.

def exception_test():
    raise Exception('Deliberate exception for testing purposes')