level12 / keg-app-cookiecutter

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Turn on type detection for alembic migrations by default? #183

Open rsyring opened 2 years ago

rsyring commented 2 years ago


bchopson commented 2 years ago

I think we have this on by default now: https://github.com/level12/keg-app-cookiecutter/blob/master/%7B%7Bcookiecutter.src_dirname%7D%7D/alembic/env.py#L90

rsyring commented 2 years ago

Do we want to enable the type comparison for the password type instead of ignoring it? Ala: https://github.com/level12/racebetter/blob/4b90f37468e568aed50970f74c3badb6b7566b9d/alembic/env.py#L65

If not, we are good here.

bchopson commented 2 years ago

Assuming the password type comparison is compatible with our default cookiecutter setup, I'm :+1: on including it.