When trying to run the script in ghidra I get the following:
SVD-Loader.py> Running...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:\Programs\ghidra_11.0_PUBLIC_20231222\scripts\cmsis-svd-main\cmsis-svd-main\python\SVD-Loader.py", line 13, in <module>
from cmsis_svd.parser import SVDParser
File "E:\Programs\ghidra_11.0_PUBLIC_20231222\scripts\cmsis-svd-main\cmsis-svd-main\python\cmsis_svd\parser.py", line 360
expected_fname_lower = f"{mcu}.svd".lower()
SyntaxError: no viable alternative at input '"{mcu}.svd"'
SVD-Loader.py> Finished!
When trying to run the script in ghidra I get the following: