Open BeG1990 opened 4 years ago
It would be very cool. If a similar CVar were added.
So far I’ve temporarily made a crutch for myself.
void Event_PlayerDeath(Event hEvent, const char[] sName, bool bDontBroadcast) ..... if(CheckStatus(iAttacker) && CheckStatus(iClient)) { ... }
else if(CheckStatus(iAttacker) && IsFakeClient(iClient)) { NotifClient(iAttacker, 2, "BotGive", true); if(hEvent.GetBool("headshot")) { NotifClient(iAttacker, 1, "BotGiveHeadShotKill", true); } }
in levels_ranks\events.sp
"BotGive" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s}" "en" "Your Exp.: {GREEN}{1} [{2} for a kill bot]" "ru" "Ваш опыт: {GREEN}{1} [{2} за убийство бота]" "ua" "Ваш досвід: {GREEN}{1} [{2} за вбивство бота]" "chi" "你的经验值: {GREEN}{1} [{2} 从杀死机器人]" "es" "Tu Exp.: {GREEN}{1} [{2} por matar a un bot]" "de" "Deine Exp: {GREEN}{1} [{2} für das Töten eines Bots]" } "BotGiveHeadShotKill" { "#format" "{1:i},{2:s}" "en" "Your Exp.: {OLIVE}{1} [{2} for killing a bot in the head]" "ru" "Ваш опыт: {OLIVE}{1} [{2} за убийство бота в голову]" "ua" "Ваш досвід: {OLIVE}{1} [{2} за вбивство бота в голову]" "chi" "你的经验值: {OLIVE}{1} [{2} 从爆头到机器人]" "es" "Tu Exp.: {OLIVE}{1} [{2} bot en la cabeza]" "de" "Deine Exp: {OLIVE}{1} [{2} für einen Bot in den Kopf geschossen]" }
in translations\lr_core.phrases.txt
Hello, can you implement the ability to set up the Plugin to count Bots? Like in GameMe or RankMe. It should be have Cvars to turn it on and off.
That is the only reason why i cant use it.
It would be so nice when you can do that.
Greets, BeG