leventov / Koloboke

Java Collections till the last breadcrumb of memory and performance
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possibility to generate only a subset of implementations #26

Closed h2000 closed 9 years ago

h2000 commented 9 years ago

Hello leventov,

At first thanks for the very cool library.

Is it possible to build the library with a subset of primitives e.g. key={int,long} value={int,long,double} to reduce the jar size?

leventov commented 9 years ago

Thanks you.

Yes, it is possible, but it is not simple, requires to edit gradle configs and deep understanding of the library structure to fix compilation errors you will face on this way.

As an alternative, your can use the whole lib and shrink your application with ProGuard.

If both ways are unacceptable, I have an idea of another solution for this problem, but it is not yet implemented and not public. Will be publicised not less than in a couple of months, likely even longer time.

leventov commented 9 years ago

@h2000 Ok, here is the solution for your specific case, I hope it will help you and people with same questions with different sets of needed specializations:

Note: this is verified only for master at dd2db28b1204154f85373c52f43008a11895e7af and key={int,long} value={int,long,double} configuration. Also I sacrificed precision of the shrink (hence jar sizes) for simplicity:

$ git clone git@github.com:OpenHFT/Koloboke.git
$ cd Koloboke
$ ./gradlew :buildMeta

Then open lib/build.gradle and add two lines to configure(jpsgTasks) block:

configure(jpsgTasks) {
    // ..prev lines unchanged
    never 'byte|char|short|float'
    exclude 'key=double|obj,value=int|long|double|obj', 'key=int|long,value=obj'

Then return to the command line:

$ cd lib
$ ../gradlew buildMain -x findbugsMain -x findbugsTest

Then you have 120 KB koloboke-api-jdk6-7-0.6.2.jar in api/build/libs/ dir and 2.6 MB koloboke-impl-jdk6-7-0.6.2.jar in impl/build/libs/.

h2000 commented 9 years ago

Very cool, I'll try it tomorrow morning first thing!! :)

h2000 commented 9 years ago

Could not wait ;). It compiles successfully. I used: ../gradlew buildMain -x findbugsMain -x findbugsTest -x javadoc

If javadoc is activitated, it failed with:

HOME/hft-java/Koloboke/lib/api/src/main/java/net/openhft/koloboke/collect/Equivalence.java:308: error: reference not found
     * It is needed because, for example, {@link net.openhft.koloboke.collect.map.ObjObjMap}'s
HOME/hft-java/Koloboke/lib/api/build/generated-src/jpsg/main/java/net/openhft/koloboke/function/DoubleBinaryOperator.java:28: error: reference not found
 * in {@link net.openhft.koloboke.collect.map.ObjDoubleMap#merge(Object, double, DoubleBinaryOperator)}
HOME/hft-java/Koloboke/lib/api/build/generated-src/jpsg/main/java/net/openhft/koloboke/function/DoubleDoubleToDoubleFunction.java:32: error: reference not found
 * in {@link net.openhft.koloboke.collect.map.DoubleDoubleMap#compute(double, DoubleDoubleToDoubleFunction)}
HOME/hft-java/Koloboke/lib/api/build/generated-src/jpsg/main/java/net/openhft/koloboke/function/IntBinaryOperator.java:28: error: reference not found
 * in {@link net.openhft.koloboke.collect.map.ObjIntMap#merge(Object, int, IntBinaryOperator)}
HOME/hft-java/Koloboke/lib/api/build/generated-src/jpsg/main/java/net/openhft/koloboke/function/LongBinaryOperator.java:28: error: reference not found
 * in {@link net.openhft.koloboke.collect.map.ObjLongMap#merge(Object, long, LongBinaryOperator)}
5 errors
:lib:api:javadoc FAILED
leventov commented 9 years ago

@h2000 Good catch. I haven't experienced that probably because I use Java 6 javadoc executable, which treat such problems as warnings by default, Java 8 javadoc became less tolerant by default. If you need Javadocs generated, configure javadoc { failOnError = false } in libs/api/build.gradle file.