lever / postings-api

API documentation and examples for the lever postings REST API
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Providing content for custom questions when applying #41

Open bfelbo opened 5 years ago

bfelbo commented 5 years ago

The API documentation alludes to there being a way to add content for custom fields, but it's not obvious how to do it.

The API is modeled off our hosted jobs form. Required fields and url fields can be customized per account. To determine what the job form looks like, look at any job application form for your account on jobs.lever.co or visit your job site settings page.

Say we have the following required custom question in our job posting: "Name an open-source library you've contributed to". How do we provide content for that question/field using this API?

drywall commented 4 years ago

Related, it would be great if there were actually an endpoint that provided information on a posting's application form — rather than having to "coordinate with your Lever administrator to learn which fields on the job application they've selected as required," for example. If there were an endpoint that described a posting's form, that would resolve both this question and eliminate the need for "coordination" with other people to figure out what fields are required, etc.