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View the UI of your app on different devices, regularly. #51

Open levibostian opened 5 years ago

levibostian commented 5 years ago

The UI of your app is constantly changing. With many different Android devices in the wild, it's important to view how your UI looks on all of these different devices.

Solution: Firebase test lab has a suite of devices to run tests against. However, I do not necessarily need to run tests against all of the devices for every single push to my code base. So my idea is: create a cron job on the CI server daily that runs the UI tests on Firebase test lab on a different device each day, then shares those images to your team via email, Slack, etc for viewing and confirming.

There could be some code written too that will only run the tests if there is a git commit performed within the past week on a branch to avoid running tests daily on a repo that is stale, wasting your team's time viewing duplicate results.