levirs565 / obsidian-dendron-tree

MIT License
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select template from filename #12

Open YeungOnion opened 11 months ago

YeungOnion commented 11 months ago

Hi, I appreciate the plugin as I like the thoughts from Dendron, but like what's built in Obsidian, you have my thanks!

I wanted to ask if you've got ways to handle context-based templates. As dendron opts for hierarchical filenames over folders, what are ways to apply a template on the "create" note event? I will note that this would be a subfeature of schema, #2, but has broader purpose.

That is,

If I have a template file template.person and I create a file with a new title, person.obama-barack. I want the new file to have the template from template.person, how might I accomplish this?

I'm not sure how obsidian orders the handles on the "create" event, but I've not been able to get Templater to modify front matter generated by Dendron Tree, I've only been able to overwrite it.

Edit 1: important clarification in last sentence.