levirs565 / obsidian-dendron-tree

MIT License
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Thank you and idea to replace VSCode and use Obsidian only #13

Open santiyounger opened 10 months ago

santiyounger commented 10 months ago

Hey, thank you so much for your work with this plugin.

I've started using this alongside an Obsidian plugin called "Structured Plugin". Together, both of these have already been able to replace my use of Dendron inside Obsidian.

I just sent a message thanking the creator of that plugin, and I wanted to extend this as a thank you as well for your work with this.

I'd suggested the creator of that plugin to join forces with you, since both of your work already created a great Dendron alternative inside Obsidian with the hirarchical structure of Dendron but all the advantages of Obsidian.

I think your work will allow more beginners to discover the power of Dendron without thetechnical difficulties of dealing with VS Code.

One of the few essential features this plugin is missing is the ability to rename/refactor notes.

I really hope this plugin to grow, and would love to see a collaboration with the features in "Structured Plugin" if possible just an idea!

Let me know what you think and if you'd be happy to test things and help wherever I can, if you need more attention to your work with this plugin I'd like to make a YouTube video around the idea of (Dendron without VSCode - Dendron Hirarchies all in Obsidian)

Thank you!